Monthly Goals | September 2022

I’m not ready to say goodbye to the summer just yet, although I’d be happy with the weather turning down a few degrees. As I make the final preparations for back to school I’m thinking about the monthly goals I’d like to set and focus on for the month ahead.

Monthly Goals | August 2022

There are no words to express my relief that the month of July is over. Approaching the month knowing that it was going to be a busy month and being pulled in a number of different ways. The reality is the first half of the month was pretty much smooth, if not a little warm for the northerner in me.

Monthly Goals | July 2022

How is it that we are already halfway through the year? It doesn’t feel too long ago that we were packing away the Christmas decorations and planning what the year ahead could possibly hold for us. As I prepare to turn the calendar over for July, I have to admit to a small panic about what we haven’t achieved this year and how we are going to cram it all into the second part of the year.

Monthly Goals | June 2022

It feels like only five minutes ago that we were welcoming Spring, yet the heatwave we’ve enjoyed this month has made it feel like Summer has popped in for a catch-up. whilst I’m not one for the hot weather the sunshine and clear skies are a welcome addition to the day.

Monthly Goals | May 2022

Time for this month’s monthly goals… For the most part, the April showers have been kept at bay and the bright sunshine has greeted us as we’ve opened the curtains in the morning. It’s been a little breezy but we can handle that. April also brought us the children home for the school holidays which was lovely to have them home to enjoy family time and Easter celebrations

Monthly Goals | April 2022

The first quarter of the year has gone already, but the brighter days and hopefully warmer weather are now on the horizon. The clocks have leapt forward for Spring and we’re now enjoying the longer evenings of British Summer Time. March is always a funny month as some years we have Easter celebrations, whilst others like this one it is merely the month in the middle of half-term and Easter.

Monthly Goals | March 2022

I’ve honestly felt like I’m bouncing from one thing to another, but here we are at the end of the shortest month of the year. Time to reflect on the monthly goals I set for February and nite down those that I am looking to focus on during March.

Monthly Goals | February 2022

January often feels like a long month that drags on and on, so I’m thankful that I set monthly goals to focus my mind on something other than the January blues. Waving goodbye to the festive season, recovery going slowly and What The Dad Said breaking his toe have thrown spanners in the works.

22 Things To Achieve in 2022

We are here poised at the beginning of a new calendar, the days, weeks and months ahead are unknown but why not think about 22 things you’d like to achieve in 2022. Whether these are tasks, goals, learning something new, the world is your oyster!

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