Encouraging children young and old to #KeepReading

Today marks World Book Day, a day where we celebrate the authors, the illustrators, the publishers and the stories that have brought us all so many fond memories.  Yesterday my children’s school celebrated Read Aloud Day, encouraging the children to pick up a book and read it aloud for a teacher, a classmate, a family member or anyone who wanted to hear a story.  It was a privilege to be able to sit and enjoy stories with the children.  Each finding something new within the story to focus on, a favourite character or loving the illustrations that helped bring the story to life.

Christmas gift principles // Something to read

This year there is a big push on the four gift principles, something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read.  Whilst this concept has been around for a number of years, I think we are all more aware of the financial burden that Christmas can be.  As well as the number of items we both gift and receive that are not necessary. With this in mind, I wanted to share with you the wonderful #giveabook campaign from Scholastic.

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