This month has seen a change in Roo and Tigger’s relationship. Tigger has come much more out of his shell and has become a cheeky little monkey at times, whereas Roo has stepped away and has enjoyed spending time on her own in her room listening to music and reading quietly.
Whilst we have had our fair share of bickering this month I have also seen them come together in a way that warms my heart. Roo likes to look after Tigger especially when we are out and about, making sure he has hold of someone’s hand, if he needs help with his coat or letting him beat her at a race (when clearly she is twice as fast as him).
Museum of Norwich
During a trip into the city we managed to squeeze in a trip to the Museum of Norwich. Roo and Tigger had great fun trying on all the different hats but loved the top hats the best as they made them look like Willy Wonka.
World Book Day
Dressing up is part and parcel of childhood and none more so than on World Book Day. Despite Tigger’s school not dressing up this year they were both treated to a new dress up costume.

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