Blogging 101 | How to avoid online distractions while working from home

January 12, 2021

Want to work from home while ignoring online distractions? This guide is exactly what you need. 

The entire world is slowly getting used to working from home during a pandemic outbreak. That also means most of us are still working from home and trying to meet tough delivery deadlines. The biggest question everyone has right now is how to stay away from distractions while working from home. Especially the distractions that come from being online almost the entire day. 

Separating work from your personal life can get stressful at times. Knowing how to focus during the work hours is something each one of us wants to know. You might have already tried a number of different things and got nothing in return. This is where this article comes to your rescue. 

This guide comes with some essential tips that you need to follow to get rid of the online distractions and work more productively. 

Set a strict work schedule and break timings

Putting yourself completely into “work mode” is the ideal way to avoid being distracted. If you can mentally prepare yourself to work, nothing can come in your way of doing it.

Setting a fixed schedule generally helps be organised. Having short goals throughout the day helps you keep on track of working continuously. Create a list of things to do during office time and push yourself to complete them. This will improve the way you focus on getting stuff done in time. 

Having a clear plan for each working day lets you be on top of things. It helps you to stay focused on getting things done. It also enables you to ignore things that are not work related. 

working from home - how to avoid online distractions
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Take breaks to be online in between work

Ignoring online distractions doesn’t mean that you need to completely cut off all social interactions. You just need to have a fixed time to do it while you work. 

While you are working, make a mindset that you won’t touch your phone. You need to convince yourself that work is more important than these distractions to win over them. Along with doing that, having small breaks in between helps you to be refreshed.

Do take time out of the day to check social media or catch up on what you missed. But make sure that these breaks are never longer than your actual work hours. 

Keep your notifications off while you work

This might be the tip most of us know but find it hard to follow. The continuous itch to check your phone each time you get a new message is the main distraction in work. 

Sometimes just putting your mobile is not good enough. Not getting any messages during work hours is the best way to make sure you are not distracted. In the beginning, you can start off by turning notifications off for a few minutes and increase this time each day. 

This is a very important step when it comes to getting rid of your social media obsession. If you can get yourself used to being away from your phone, you have already won at this game of being a pro at working from home.

Put a physical distance between you and your phone

Some offices around the world make their employees deposit their phone at the entrance. This helps them to reduce distractions and get more work done in the day.

This is something that can be super effective while you work in your own house. Sometimes putting actually space for a few hours helps you to not think about being on social media. If your phone is not accessible to you, you are more than likely to focus on the task in your hand.

You can decide on a particular place where you will keep your phone while working. Pick a time frame in the day when you can use your phone. Otherwise, make sure to not touch your phone. By doing this, you will see a big change in your productivity levels.

Working from home - how to avoid online distractions
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

Be stronger mentally to get rid of distractions

Above everything else, it’s important to not let things distract you in the first place. If you are determined to complete all your work, there is nothing that can distract you. 

Train your brain to being used to only working in office hours. Focus on meeting the deadlines and solving issues faced by the team. Cut off the amount of applications you use to two or three important ones. Then only use those in your free time instead of being on ten different platforms. 

Being productive comes from a mindset that work comes before anything else. Even if you are in the office or in the house, a strong work focused mind will help you avoid distractions better. 

Some other important suggestions

The major tips that affect the way you handle distractions are discussed above. Other than these, there are several other things you can do to get used to the entire work from home ordeal. 

  • Have a comfortable place to sit and work from.
  • Follow strict office timings even in your house.
  • Let your family and friends know that you are working. 
  • Interact with your teammates more than friends in office times. 
  • Put up a clear line between personal enjoyment and work.
  • Decide fixed timings to check work related mails while working.
  • Restrict your time on certain websites that distract you the most.


Being in the middle of a pandemic, there are tons of different distractions. Online distractions are the biggest ones to get rid of. Those are the ones that really lessen the work productivity and affect project deadlines. If you can win over those, you will be already a winner at being a pro remote worker.

These small suggestions can play a vital way in the way you work. It can be a lot longer till you can go back to work so it’s necessary to get used to this routine. These tips will get you more used to working at home and getting rid of most of your online distractions. We wish you a perfectly productive work from home time. 

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