A close up of a person wearing a blue shirt

Word of the Year 2019

January 14, 2019

I’ve never been great at making and keeping resolutions. Those grand plans of losing weight, eating better, getting fit etc. Last year I wrote 18 goals for 2018 and if I’m honest they were forgotten about before January was even over. It’s only now as we start the New Year that I have looked back at them and realise that I’ve managed to achieve two and even then I’m clutching at straws.

This year I’m going back to a previous method of selecting a word rather than a resolution. A word to focus on throughout the year. One to guide me through the trials and tribulations. One to help me in decisions and in my quest for answers.


A close up of a person wearing a blue shirt

Losing my way

Last year I feel as though I lost my way. Getting caught up in anything and everything. My mind running at 100mph without stopping for a rest. This has taken it’s a toll on me, both physically and mentally. Never able to give 100% of myself to anything as I was too busy juggling all the plates that come with being an adult, a parent and a blogger.

Reversing the changes

Whilst I can take steps to reverse the changes physically. With a new dose of iron supplements to help fight anaemia (or at least keep it at bay). Stepping back from helping others, although this feels unnatural to me. I know that it is not always appreciated and often not returned when I am the one needing help.

The mental side I hope will improve as I start to feel better health-wise. I’m nobody’s friend when I am tired or exhausted. Opting to withdraw into my shell and get through the day as quick as possible. With a balanced blog/work and family life schedule, I hope that this will aid my mental exhaustion. As well as leaving me time to enjoying reading and watching movies.

Finding the balance

The year ahead is about finding the balance between all the elements that make up my life. Taking the time to connect with the things I am doing rather than mentally ticking them off a to do list in my head. Learning to say no and ensuring that no one area takes over.

Do you have a word that you are focusing on this year?

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