- Why do children never want to take a nap on the days you are using a matchsticks to keep your eyes open?
- Why do we have to pay for the dentist and glasses when everything else is on the NHS?
- Why am I control freak?
- Why I am the only person who thinks to change the empty toilet roll?
- Why is that Mr Boo can take is trousers, pants and socks off in one swoop but fail to get them in the laundry basket?
- Why can’t I win the lottery?
- Why is that no matter how much you do for some people it will never be enough?
- Why can Mr Boo still not fill the dishwasher correctly?
- Why is that bad things happen to good people? and bad people get good things?
- Why do Roo and I clash so much?
I am now passing this Meme onto a few other bloggers so they too can share their ‘why’ questions. To be part of this you will need to complete the following steps …
1. Post your whys – as many or as few as you like
2. Link your post to Mummy Central
3. Tag 5 bloggers to keep this going
4. Feel free to leave your questions below if you aren’t a blogger but demand some answers!
I’m now tagging the following bloggers …
Emmy’s Mummy
Ramblings of a Sussex Mummy
Hex Mum
Ready, Steady, Mummy!
Diary of the Evans-Crittens
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