Why I want to visit Barbados

As I typed my title of ‘why I want to visit Barbados‘ a thought crossed my mind as to why would anyone not want to visit Barbados. I can remember sitting at home with my family watching ‘Wish you were here‘ when I was about 12 or 13 and falling in love with beautiful white beaches, tranquil blue sea and the stunning scenery.

A close up of a sandy beach

Over the years my love for the Caribbean island hasn’t diminished if anything it has grown with each passing Facebook update from a friend or family member who has managed to visit before me. Mr Boo and I had hoped to travel there for our honeymoon but as I’d never been abroad before we felt it better to stay relatively close to home in Europe.

Last year as our 10th wedding anniversary approached I did find myself looking up flights to Barbados but unfortunately we didn’t have the childcare to leave the children at home and as it was our anniversary we didn’t necessarily want to take them with us either (horrible parents that we are). Not to worry we will make it there someday we might even take the children, until then let me share with you why I want to visit Barbados.

Beautiful beaches

Whenever I see photos of the beautiful beaches in Barbados I do tend to turn an awful shade of green. It didn’t help that I recently came across a post that Mummy Barrow had published on Space In Your Case on 8 of the best Barbados beaches. Although she has given me some food for thought about the different beaches to enjoy should I get to visit.

A couple of lawn chairs sitting on top of a sandy beach

It’s not all beautiful beaches

Whilst I long to lounge on white sands I’m sure that after a day or two I’d be longing to do something a little more productive. Visiting Harrison’s Cave, Animal Flower Cave or St Nicholas Abbey the trouble I’d have is working out which one to visit first.

With so many beautiful landmarks and scenery to take in I’m sure that I could manage to fulfil my want for new places or sun worshipping depending on my mood (and the weather).

It’s not just fair weather fun

Whilst the temperatures in Barbados are around 29 degrees on a bad day it doesn’t mean that they miss out on the rain. So on the days where the rain is falling and I’m unable to lay back on my sun lounger I will need to find other activities to keep me occupied and Mummy Barrow has come to my rescue with a wonderful list of what to do on a rainy day in Barbados – I can’t wait to visit Chilly Moo’s.

Family fun?

I have to admit to being a little selfish here and really wanting to enjoy the beautiful island of Barbados with my husband child free. However after seeing the great fun that Actually Mummy and her family had on a recent trip there I am slowly coming round to the idea that we could take the children along and make the most of the island as a family. Who wouldn’t want to sit on an inflatable sofa which your nearest and dearest before being pulled at speed behind a boat?


Have you been to Barbados?
What delights would you recommendations I add to my must-see/do list?


Disclosure: This post is brought to you in collaboration with Thomson, however I really would like to visit Barbados

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