Where Should You Keep Your Home’s Humidity?

November 3, 2016

All year round, the humidity changes outside. In the summer, your hair gets frizzy and damp with sweat because of the moisture, and in the winter, your skin gets dry and irritated from the lack of it. For most of the year, you don’t want your home to feel like the outdoors, which is why it’s important to strategically set your humidity levels for maximum comfort. Check out the infographic below to learn where you should keep your home’s humidity levels and tips you can follow to create a comfortable environment. It’s a handy reference for almost any home type in any climate.

For the most part, humidity levels in your home should range from 35–45 percent. This will make it easier to breathe and reduce problems with allergies and asthma. However, as the temperatures drop, so should the humidity levels. In fact, for every 10-degree reduction in temperature, your humidity inside should drop by 5 percent. This will prevent your home from becoming too moist when compared to the outdoors.

The humidity levels also depend on the time of day and activity in the house. It’s okay to set higher humidity levels when you’re away from your house, as this will reduce the burden on your HVAC unit and dehumidifiers. Furthermore, humidity tends to drop at night, which means your appliances won’t have to work as hard while you’re asleep. Setting the right humidity level scan extend the life of your heating and cooling systems, keeping you comfortable over the next several years.

Humidity and Home

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