What To Do When You Expand Your Team

What To Do When You Expand Your Team

June 27, 2024


Think about this: your business is growing, and it’s successful, and that means you need to expand your team and hire new people. How do you feel about that? For most business owners, it’s a milestone they’ve been waiting to reach, and it’s an exciting time, although it does have some challenges associated with it. It’s great to know you need more people to get the work done now, but how do you go about making that happen and ensuring your business is ready for the expansion? Read on for some useful advice. 

Things to consider when expanding your team

What To Do When You Expand Your Team

Invest In Onboarding

Hiring people is one thing – you’ll place a job ad (carefully written so the people you actually might want to hire apply and no one wastes their time or yours), select the candidates, interview them, and hire one (or more, depending on your needs). Of course, there’s more to it than that, but that’s essentially it in a nutshell without getting into details. 

The question is, though, what happens then? What happens when your new hire turns up for their first day? That’s where good onboarding comes in, and why you might want to invest in it. A comprehensive onboarding plan should include a variety of things like orientation sessions, training programs, and regular check-ins, and you’ll need to provide your new staff members with all the support and advice they’ll need.

Get this ready in advance and ensure everyone has the same onboarding experience, and you’ll find it much easier to help new employees feel welcome and happy, which boosts their productivity and engagement – it’s a win-win. 

Get A Bigger Office

On the more practical side of things, expanding your team means you’re going to need more space, especially if you’re hiring more than one person at a time. Look at your current office and check to see if there’s room to take in more people in a comfortable (not to mention safe) way, and if it’s not, it’s definitely time to move to a bigger office. 

An office space for big teams needs to be in a location that everyone can easily get to, it needs to have all the facilities that a large team will want, including meeting rooms and break rooms, and there has to be enough space for everyone to work comfortably without getting too cramped and cluttered. Take your time finding the ideal space, but do it before you start hiring new people, otherwise the discomfort might mean you lose people before you’ve really had a chance to properly expand. 

What To Do When You Expand Your Team

Upgrade Your Technology And Tools

When you’ve got more team members, you’ll probably need to upgrade your technology and tools so that everyone has what they need and can work efficiently without any issues. In the simplest terms, it’s likely you’ll need more technology and tools – you’ll need to give everyone a laptop or tablet, for example, and if they’re working in a practical way, they’ll need equipment and materials too. 

On top of that, this could be the perfect time to upgrade and get more modern equipment and technology in your business – start as you mean to go on and expand your current software, hardware, communication systems, and so on to ensure your team can do what you need them to do. 

Image Credit: depositphotos.com

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