A little boy that is sitting on a bench posing for the camera

What Piglet Wore // Chipmunks Mia Sandals

August 22, 2018

Can you recall a time when we were all complaining about how cold it was? When the Beast from the East was knocking on the door and causing disruption, not to forget Storm Eleanor (aptly named… lol). Those cold, snow and wind filled days have been replaced by blue skies, sunshine and moans about how hot it is (us British are never happy whatever the weather is doing).

The summer wardrobe is always a little hit and miss as you can end up purchasing a load of things that you’ll never wear. Summer footwear, however, I find is different. A key purchase or two will see you through the spring, summer and even autumn months. The Chipmunks Mia sandal are the perfect key purchase for little ones this summer.

A little boy that is sitting on a bench posing for the camera

Chipmunks Mia Sandals // What we love…

My first fashion love falls to polka dots so whenever I spot something with that pattern I’m like a homing pigeon. The beautiful all over pink Mia sandal with coordinating white polka dots and sole, mean that they are cute and (dare I say it) girlie without being too in your face. Easy to pair up with a range of summer outfit choices, whether we are heading out for the day or going for a family meal.

A little girl wearing a pink dress

Chipmunk Mia Sandals // The Practicalities

Piglet is an explorer, she likes to see the world around her. So if that means climbing on something to get a better vantage point then she will. Given this personality trait I like to ensure that her attire is suitable. Closed toe sandals for summer are the perfect choice.

With the Chipmunk Mia sandals still allowing air movement so her feet can breathe. Whilst I can rest easy that she isn’t going to stub her toes on the rocks/walls/hills she is attempting to climb. Complete with an adjustable hook and loop fastening they are quick and easy to get on and off.

A little girl in a pink dress

Chipmunks // Where Can I Buy?

Chipmunks offer a wide range of shoes, sandals, boots and wellies (plus some adorable clothing items too). Check out the Chipmunks website for their latest collection – I’ve already bookmarked Piglet’s autumn/winter shoe collection (Ranch boots, Trixie shoes and Jill wellies in case you are interested).

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