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When buying a scooter, it is important to get the right kind of scooter. There are many different types and styles of scooter available. Certain scooter is best for each age group or skill level.
When you are buying a scooter for a child there are certain things to take into consideration. The kids will be strolling along, usually at a pretty decent speed. You want a scooter that has the right features and safety points that make it safe for what each kid can handle.
Looking for a scooter for a three-year-old? Use these tips when deciding what is the best scooter for a 3-year-old.
Things to Consider When Buying a Scooter for a Three-Year-Old

What is the right age to give a child a scooter? Most scooters recommend a starting age of 2 or 3 years. When it comes to deciding if a child is ready for a scooter, ask yourself these questions:
- Would the child steer the scooter by themselves?
- Would the child push the scooter on their own?
- Is the child coordinated enough to use her foot to push, steer and watch what’s around them?
- Does your child have enough strength to use the scooter?
How many wheels should a scooter for a 3-year old have? There are several options when it comes to how many wheels are on a scooter. There are 4 wheeled scooters, and 3 wheeled scooters. Personally, I would recommend looking for a 3 wheel scooter for kids. Three wheel scooters are perfect for a 3-year-old offering more stability than a 2 wheel scooter, whilst still allowing them to keep up with their older siblings.
When a child is using a 3 wheel scooter, there is less balance required. That means it is perfect for younger children who are still learning balance, how to push the scooter forward and the all-important turning.

The weight of the scooter matters quite a bit. If the scooter is too heavy for the child, it can be hard for the child to manoeuvre and steer. Ensure that the scooter you select is lightweight and designed for a three-year-old.
Adjustable Handle
When buying a scooter for a three-year-old, it is important for it to have an adjustable handle. Not all children are the same height so it is important to be able to move the handles at the right level. This makes the scooter easier to control. As well as allowing the find a comfortable scooting position.

Most scooters have brakes but for a three-year-old, it is important that the brakes are easy to use. Having a scooter with the brakes by the feet make stoping easier. It’s important that you take the time to show them how to use them and that it’s working whenever they head out on their scooter.
Whilst accessories might be top of your list of requirements, they will be something that friends or family members can purchase to make the gift of a scooter that bit more special. From adding a detachable bag that can be used to carry their toys or even their lunch in. Cute wheel covers to bling up their scooter, or a basket so they are able to take along their favourite teddy on adventures. Oh… and don’t forget a bell, they’ll love ringing it plus it’s a great safety feature once they are zooming along to warn others to jump out of the way.
When buying a scooter for a 3-year-old, consider these safety points. And of course, make sure any child on a scooter, no matter what age he or she is, is wearing a helmet.
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