What does Christmas mean to you?

December 20, 2012

It’s that time of year again, Christmas is just around the corner and we are all manically organising how to make this year even more memorable than the last.

But what does Christmas actually mean to you? Is it your whole family being together on one special day or is it all about decorating the Christmas tree? Or is it maybe something as simple as sharing a tin of the much loved Quality Street with the family?

What would you do if you found out that Quality Streets were no longer going to be sold in tin, but instead in a plastic substitute? You’d be horrified, wouldn’t you? Indeed, recent research conducted by Opinion Matters found that almost one in three (31%) people view plastic packaging as feeling less Christmassy than the traditional tin.

Well plans are afoot to scrap the tin. We invite you to join us in saying #Keepittin

Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: I have received no products or financial compensation for this post, I am just sharing some fab information with you.

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