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Changing Faces Week Thirty-Nine {2015}

September 25, 2015

This week has slipped away from me. The weekend was filled with finding information books for Roo’s school project as well as a trip to our local SEA LIFE Centre to take photographs. Followed by a visit to a couple of car boot sales on Sunday where they each managed to come away with something. The week itself though has just gone, I blinked and I missed it. A combination of getting back into after school clubs, work and boxing up bits at home – now it’s Friday and I’m pleased it’s the weekend once again.


A young boy who is smiling at the camera

  • Added 12 new Jacqueline Wilson books to her collection after a successful car boot sale trawl
  • Enjoyed her first taste of geo-caching at Cub Scouts
  • Pleased to be back at football and multi-skills after school clubs


A young boy holding a blue umbrella

  • Pleased to get a new Hot Wheels track from the local car boot sale
  • Has discovered the power of toy adverts on the TV and currently wants one of everything advertised
  • His class won the attendance cup and Tigger got to go up and collect it in assembly

What have your children been up to this week?

A close up of a sign

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