Unsupported {Word of the week}

July 18, 2014

It’s been a few weeks since I joined in with the word of the week linky. I’ve had a manic few weeks with various things going on.

This week has brought to a head many of the grumblings I have had about work. For the first time a long time I actually seriously considered handing in my resignation.

We have seen a run of bad luck hit my department with my colleagues personal lives seeing two deaths, cancer diagnoses, a cheating husband and police arrests. We have all opted to write 014 as a year and it’s only July! With all these things going on plus the usual summer holiday season upon us we are running low on staff. Many are swapping shifts and working extra in an attempt to make up the shortfall.

Decisions which my department feel are justified are being overturned and undermined. There is no listening to reasoning, stating our case or even rants, it all falls on deaf ears and told to get on with it.

Those close to me can see my frustrations, some understand and appreciate that I am justified in voicing my concerns higher up the management ladder. There are others who whilst understand it must be a difficult situation to work in feel that I should suck it up, keep my opinions to  myself and get on with it.

So it will come as no surprise that this week unsupported is my word of the week.


My work is a job not a career and if I’m not happy within my work then maybe it is time I thought about what it is I want to do as a career.

{Word of the week}

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