Turn your child’s design into reality? #Competition

February 26, 2013

Fancy winning £100 of mini club vouchers and your little one’s design printed onto a goodie bag? Of course you do, then why not enter the Mini Club’s design challenge…

M and Logo

How to enter

Simply send your child’s design on an A4 sheet of paper by 31st March 2013 and they will pick their favourite from all the entries received. Don’t for get to include their name address and a contact email or telephone number. The design can be anything they like from fairies to fire engines so let’s get those creative juices flowing!

Send entries to:

Mini Club Marketing
Cherry Tree Road
W24 6SH

Terms & Conditions

Entries must be received by midnight on 31st March 2013 and one winner will be picked by the mini club team and their decision will be final. By submitting a design you undertake to assign the copyright design rights and registered designs if any in the design to The Boots Company PLC “Boots”. You  also untertale to co-operate with Boots and shall execute such documents and do all acts and things as may be necessary to effect such assignments. The design may need to be minimally altered to make it useable on the bag. The winner will be sent one of the finished bags to keep, the prize has no cash value. A copy of the winners name and county will be available upon writing to the address above.

Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: I have received no products or financial compensation for this post, I am just sharing some fab information with you.

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