how to get the most from your trip to a theme park

How to get the most of your trip to a theme park

July 15, 2021

Does the summer months have you dreaming of riding rides and taking a trip to a theme park? You’re not alone. This is all part of the summer phone that everyone looks forward to! But when it comes to planning a trip to a theme park, you’re probably wanting to make certain that you’re getting the most for your money. It’s no secret that theme parks are a lot of fun but very expensive making it vital that you go in with a plan. 

How to get the most of your trip to a theme park

Luckily, with just a little bit of thinking ahead, you can easily save some money and plan out a way that you and your family are certain to have a great trip to the theme park of your choice. Here are a few tips on how to get the most from your trip to a theme park. 

These tips are not only simple to implement but they’re quick and work well for all families as well. 

How to get the most of your trip to a theme park

Plan your trip before you go 

Choose the must-visit attractions so you can be sure to hit those while you are there. If you are going with children check the height restrictions on the rides on your list so that you can prep the kids for that conversation before arriving at the park.

There’s nothing more frustrating to the kids than staring at a ride that they can’t ride so preparing them before time will help with those big emotions. 

Take advantage of the fast pass “skip the line” options at the theme park 

While it might cost you a tad bit more money, it’s also going to give you more experiences and changes to hit all the rides. Just be careful what slots you fill if they are limited. Use them for your must-have list so you do not have to worry about the lines and get more of those stops in. 

Take advantage of single rider lines 

These are a great way to get into more attractions. If you have young children that can not ride a ride then it is always a great idea to split up for a few so the adults can still hit the rides. 

You can always make a plan to meet back up at a later point in time but having a break to tackle more rides is the best way to make certain that everyone has a good time. 

How to get the most of your trip to a theme park

Check the outside food rules 

Most theme parks will allow you to bring a bag with your own snacks and drinks. This is such a great way to save money in the parks! The food and drink are so expensive that you can easily spend $60 for a family of four on a simple lunch or snack. Instead, pack your own.

And if you have the option to leave the theme park and come back, you can always pack a cooler backpack and have it in your car. That way you can head out to the parking lot for a picnic lunch and then go back inside for more fun. 

Before you go in the parks stop for a big breakfast outside of the park 

This will keep you full and help you to skip the pit stops for the first part of the day and save you money on food. It’s a great way to have a full belly for the beginning portion of your theme park fun. 

Take extra portable chargers with you 

This is just the norm of how our world is today. We’re constantly connected and sharing our lives so make certain that you bring a charger with you, a portable power bank or purchase one of the charger packs that you can swap out in the park for a fully charged one. 

Taking photos, and sharing them on social media is a daily part of our lives and even more so on vacation. Don’t miss a shot of your child’s smiling face!

With these simple tips, you’ll have the best experience ever on your next trip to a theme park. With just a little bit of planning, the day can go by so much more smoothly! 

Do you have any other helpful tips when planning a visit to a theme park? 

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