Yesterday morning there was a debate on the breakfast news about whether children should read paperback books or ebooks. Both Roo and Tigger are quite happy to pick up a paperback book and I must confess that I haven’t even considered giving them an ereader or downloading a reading app on their tablets. Children in my opinion, need to have that feel of a book between their fingers, to be able to turn the pages and enjoy the beautiful illustrations that are included in their books.
Do your children read paperbacks or ebooks?
#ToyTuesday Week Eleven Highlights
Like a lot of families technology plays it’s part in our family life, from Netflix, YouTube and games consoles. Last week In The Playroom shared their review of the Mario & Luigi Paper Jam on he Nintendo 3DS which coming from a childhood of Mario & Luigi I was pleased to see another new game for o. Roo and Tigger enjoy the Mario Kart games so I think that they will love this new game too – maybe a possible Easter gift instead of eggs this year.
#ToyTuesday host reviews
Sticking with the Star Wars theme, I’m sharing with you our recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rey Lightsaber review which Tigger has been blasting around the house with since it arrived – who doesn’t want to be a Jedi?
Joining in with #ToyTuesday
Each Tuesday the #ToyTuesday linky will be open on Boo Roo and Tigger Too and Hexmum to add your toy reviews. Please feel free to tweet us at @littleboo_21 or @hex_mum with the #ToyTuesday hashtag and we will RT your links.
- The #ToyTuesday linky opens at 7.00am every Tuesday and will close at 23.55pm on Friday
- We’d love for you to add the #ToyTuesday badge to your linked reviews (this is not essential but helps others find out about the linky and read the linked reviews)
- You are free to link up two toy reviews each week and can be old or new review posts
- Please comment on at least one of the host review links as well as two further reviews for each review link you add (let’s share the love)
- Each week the host’s will showcase their favourite reviews from the previous linky

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