Many people wonder how to stick to a schedule when working from home. Let’s face it there are many distractions when it comes to working from home. You have family around, household chores staring you in the face, and then there are kids if you have them that want all of the attention. Life as a work from home entrepreneur isn’t easy.
There are so many tips to setting a work from home schedule but what happens when you have difficulty sticking to that routine? Well, if you’re struggling then you’re in luck because today I’m sharing some tips that will truly help you succeed in your work from home business.

Find a System that Works
Every work from home entrepreneur is different from what type of system will work for them. Some people schedule their work from home day into blocks of time for specific tasks, while others like to split their work from home tasks up throughout the day with some long breaks in between. The key to setting work from home hours and sticking to them is to figure out what type of system will work best.
There are many systems to choose from, not only can you figure out blocks of time that work well for you but you can use a desk calendar, a panda calendar, bullet journal and other types of options to help determine what system will keep you on track with your work from home tasks.
Be Realistic
There are two areas that you must be realistic about when it comes to working from home. You have to have realistic goals and realistic expectations of what you can accomplish each day. As soon as you know what you can do during the day or night for your work from home hours, you’ll be more apt to stick with whatever work from home schedule you create.
When you’re realistic about setting some work from home goals, it helps give you something to focus on as you sit there trying to get your tasks completed during your work from home hours. Daily goals can really help boost your productivity and motivation. Learn to be realistic about what you can get done in a day by creating daily to-do lists that prioritise tasks in an order of urgency to least important.
Take Advantage of Breaks
Last, but not least, many work from home entrepreneurs neglect that all-important break time. During your lunch break be sure to do something that helps recoup your mind from all of the hard work you just put in. Lunch break is the perfect time to go for a stroll around the neighbourhood or sit and relax with a good book.
Utilise your breaks in a way that will help decompress you, reduce stress, and help pick your brain back up off the floor to sit down and get back to a productive work from home schedule. These mini-breaks throughout your work from home day will be quite beneficial for making sure you stet work from home hours and stick to them.
There you have it, just a few ways to help you get back on track with specific work from home hours and sticking to them no matter what else is going on in your household.
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