Time to live a little healthier Dad

Father’s day is just around the corner and this year I wanted to share some great gift ideas on how to try to convince your dad that it’s time to live a little healthier. We’d all like to live a bit healthier given the chance so this Father’s day instead of buying dad some chocolates, a couple of bottles of beer or even some aftershave why not treat him to a little something from my healthier Father’s day gift guide…

To the man who wants to keep up with the kids

Whether dad is sick of being left behind when he takes the kids out on their scooters or whether he thinks that he can beat his children in a scooter race why not treat him to something from Micro Scooters. He’ll be getting fit at the same time as having fun with the children, although depending on how sporty he is you might want to keep him away from the skating ramps until he has mastered the art of scooting.

A group of people walking on a sidewalk

To the man who can’t give up smoking

Non-smokers will never understand why it is so hard for smokers to kick the habit so if your dad is a smoker why not try to switch him over to electronic cigarettes. With electronic cigarettes you can reduce the nicotine levels to zero so much healthier for both dad and everyone else around.

To the man who doesn’t like to eat his greens

Lets face it we’d all try to get away with eating our greens if we could, however they are essential for a healthy diet. So if your dad is a little reluctant to pop an extra serving of veg on his dinner plate why not treat him to a NutriBullet. With a wide variety of smoothies to be made you might just find that he becomes the Tom Cruise of the NutriBullet.

A cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice, with NutriBullet

To the man who wants to live simpler

We all crave being able to jump off the crazy wheel that we call life, from the hustle and bustle of it all so why not set dad up with his own allotment. Somewhere he can grow all the fruit and vegetables that he’ll need to fill his NutriBullet each day, somewhere he take his newspaper and read it without distraction, somewhere he can just watch the world go by. Now this might not be the easier gift to set up for him, you could just cordon off the end of a garden but one I’m sure that he’ll love for years to come.

To the man who wants to try something new

They say that you should learn or try something new everyday, so this father’s day why not set dad up on an experience day? With so many different ones to try it might be difficult to narrow it down to just one – maybe he’d like to learn how to cook something new? maybe he’d like to race around a track and get his adrenaline pumping or maybe he’d enjoy a trip around his favourite football stadium (you never know it might inspire him to head outdoors and kick a ball with the children more often).

What would you buy to let dad know it’s time to live a little healthier?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post

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