Time to give mum experiences so she can create memories

March 18, 2020

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Before becoming a Mum myself, I couldn’t understand why Mums around the world were so invested in Mothers Day. Was it really that big a deal? Surely families celebrated Motherhood all year round?

I’d naively assumed that Mums were given a regular lie in, peace in the bathroom – and perhaps most importantly, time to watch tv without being asked where someone’s ballet shoes are just at the point where the murderer is revealed on Death In Paradise! 

However with 13 Mothering Sundays under my belt and another one on the horizon, I have to tell you that the gifts I have remembered the most are the ones where I’ve been given the gift of an experience. It doesn’t matter whether it lasts for an hour or a whole day – the things I’ve done with my family and children – both collectively and individually – are what I’ll remember forever.

With that in mind and just in case my family is reading this, here are 3 gifts for her that I’d be happy to receive.

A group of items on a table

1. A chocolate making class

Did someone say chocolate?? I love the idea of a chocolate making class – it’s something I could do with Roo as a special thing that’s just for us. I can see it being messy and creative and a lovely activity for us both. To keep the experience going, if we have fun, I could then buy a chocolate making kit that we could do again at a later date, at home. 

2. A day at Legoland with Tigger

I have the most fun – and make the most memories – when I’m doing something where my children are able to teach me things. Legoland + Tigger = a perfect combination of doing something together where he can teach me all about the history of different Lego pieces and how they are used across the world in different ways for play and growth. We’ve been before – but to go with just him, so he can show me all his favourite things, would be lovely. I appreciate that a theme is coming through here but I can totally see myself buying Lego for me to make with Tigger as a future gift!

A close up of a flower

3. A trip to a new park with a snack

I know that this is more low key, but it’s perfect for me and Piglet. When I pack up a drink and snack, we can run and climb and chase – and I can use the snack as an excuse for a pit stop when I’ve run out of energy! In fact, we’d probably go on our adventure via the shop nearby – when I’m not rushing around with a shopping list, shopping with Piglet is a joy. It gives me a whole new level of insight into what she knows and understands – and gives me a way to encourage us to choose something new and exciting for us to eat together.

It makes me so happy when these kinds of experiences come up in my Facebook memories. Our lives are full of to-do lists, after school activities and there’s always something to fix or sort through in the house, so the act of carving out time to have an experience with the children is a beautiful thing. With Roo now getting to a point where I’m not the coolest person to hang out with any more, I want to have as many experiences as I can, whilst they’ll still do them with me! 

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