Tigger’s Wonky Legs

August 1, 2012

For those of you whom read my post about concerns over Tigger’s apparent wonky legs will know that we were due to see the consultant on the 10th July.

Time has slipped away from me and I haven’t updated you all on the outcome…

Unfortunately when we arrived for Tigger’s appointment he was fast asleep but as the clinic was running late we thought that this was a blessing as he would manage to get some rest. The clinic over-ran by nearly 45mins which meant it was lunchtime by the time the consultant was able to see us. Although Tigger had woken up at the this point he was grizzly as he was hungry.

I explained the concerns to the consultant but his funny crawling and apparent shorter leg. The consultant then examined Tigger, to say he was unimpressed doesn’t quite cover it. Next the consultant wanted to see him walk, however Tigger was having none of it and sat down every time I tried to get him to toddle. Thankfully the consultant explained that he has a 2yr old so was at least understanding of Tigger’s refusal.

He packed us off for some lunch and asked us to come back in 30mins. After being feed and watered Tigger appeared much brighter so we headed off back to the clinic. Whilst waiting for the consultant Tigger was happy toddling up and down the corridor in his nappy and t-shirt. When we were called in Tigger had second thoughts and refused to go back into the room. I can’t blame him, if you had just had your legs pulled, pushed and twisted in there, would you go in? probably not.

Tigger decided toddling the opposite direction was his escape route. So the consultant came out into the corridor to take a look. He then explained that whilst he could see there was a difference in leg length he was not overly concerned. Even if he had concerns they would not do anything until he was at least school age as they need to see if and how the difference changes as he grows. For example, it may always be the same difference or it may grow bigger in proportion to the other leg (the same percentage).

Plan of action – review in six months.

Over the last few weeks Tigger has grown in confidence with his walking. Whilst I can see the little limp and his left leg being raised more than the other, to anyone else they probably wouldn’t even know there was a difference in leg length. I am hopeful that this is something that will either not affect him as he grows or something that can be corrected with a simple insole for his shoes.

Boo xxx

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