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Tigger’s first pre-school trip

July 9, 2014

This morning I had to explain to Tigger why he was getting dressed into his clothes to go to school…

‘I wear my uniform to school Mummy’

Today he was heading off for his first ever pre-school trip. I explained that he was going to go on a big bus with all his teachers and school friends, he was going to go to see some animals. They were in fact heading off for a day at a local wildlife park, Thrigby Hall.

As we headed to school I wanted to capture him ready for his first school trip, Tigger however was not so keen…


As I left him at pre-school I feel a pang of guilt as I attended Roo’s first pre-school trip to the same place some four years earlier, however as I was due at work today I was unable to accompany Tigger.

This afternoon as I collected him from pre-school he was eager to tell me about all the animals. When I asked him about who he sat next to on the big bus ‘someone’s Mummy’ he replied. It was only when I attended a junior school event for Roo this evening that I found out it was one of Roo’s friend’s Mummy’s who had sat next to him and looked after him all day. 

Whilst I am sad that I was unable to attend, Tigger had a wonderful day and as he is not as confident with people as Roo I think this may have opened him up to interacting with new people.

Can you remember where your little went on their first pre-school/school trip?

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