My road to #britmumslive has not been a smooth one…
In order to attend #Britmumslive you have two main options open to you, get sponsored or go it alone. For financial reasons I knew that I would need to be sponsored by a Brand in order to make my trip to The Brewery a reality. After pimping myself out here on my blog and frankly feeling kinda dirty for it I still hadn’t managed to find a brand that would like me as their ‘blogger on the ground’.
Fortunately the lovely people at Plum Baby decided that myself, my blog and more importantly my children (well Tigger at least) were just the blog/blogger for them. Gaining sponsorship has allowed to obviously attend #Britmumslive but more importantly it has given me an insight into a brand that I had previous used (both Tigger and I enjoy the oaty chomps bars, yum, yum).
As any parent will tell you organising and arranging childcare is VERY stressful.
Originally when I had started planning my trip back in January Mr Boo was going to have this week off work so in turn would be home this weekend to be with Roo and Tigger. Unfortunately Mr Boo was made redundant at the end of March and those plans still looked hopeful as when he found a new job he could request those days off.
Last Monday he started a new job (yay!), however his new manager was a little flaky to say the least and wouldn’t really give me an answer on whether he could in fact take today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) off. Now anyone who knows me would tell you that I like things organised and planned ahead of time. Whilst I still had over a week to #Britmumslive I need to know if my plans/dreams of attending we’re in fact still a reality. In the end Mr Boo texted me whilst I was at work on Thu to say that he was unable to get the two days off, my heart sank. I could have cried there and then but like a professional I waited until I got home and had a good old howl about the whole situation.
Now of course it wasn’t Mr Boo’s fault that his new boss wouldn’t allow him the time off. I could see that he was upset for me and felt bad that he was unable to rectify the situation. Unfortunately I have a very, very limited support system when it comes to childcare. Partly why Tigger attends a day nursery as apposed to staying with relatives whilst I work. Anyway, I had already asked family members if they could help out but I knew that they wouldn’t so wasn’t too surprised when they said no. However, Mr Boo worked his magic and persuaded them to changed their plans and help out.
As it turned out Mr Boo had another job offer come through this week, which has enabled him to be at home with the kiddies. Hooray!
I had booked and collected my train ticket a number of weeks ago, however when packing all my bits and bobs I had a major panic that I had *misplaced* my train tickets. Argh!!!
After a manic phone call to The Trainline and being told that they can not re-issue tickets once they have been collected. So I would need to purchase new tickets and then send back the original tickets for a refund if and when I found them.
So another frantic search… Found them! *sigh of relief*

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