A group of people posing for the camera

The present parent #LifeLately

October 26, 2018

This time last week I had just returned home following a day at The Baby Show with a good friend and two of the children. It was a day of an unplanned, but most welcomed digital detox. We were too busy chatting, laughing and exploring to even check our phones. 

Guess what? I didn’t miss reading emails, scrolling through social media and checking my phone every five minutes to see if I’d missed a notification. Instead, I got on with my day and had a blast.

The following morning we headed off on the start of our half term adventures in Birmingham. With Mr Boo driving I took the opportunity to read and answer emails from the previous day. For whatever reason, my phone only likes to load so many of my emails into Gmail inbox – which is probably a good thing. So I’m sure that there were many more that I didn’t read or answer. 

As we arrived in Birmingham and once again my phone was switched to do no disturb, only coming out to take snapshots of our adventures. Instead, I was a more present parent. I soaked up the time with my family. With Mr Boo who works so hard for our family (and enables me to work from home rather than getting a proper job). Time with the children, who are growing up before my eyes and change each and every day.

Only allowing myself the opportunity to look at my phone in the evenings once we were all settled into the Premier Inn we were staying at. Although after fun-filled, busy days, I was beaten and turned in with the children to rest up for the following day.

A group of people posing for the camera

The do not disturb function is going to be utilised more often. 

The only important thing I’m missing out on is quality time with my family.

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