The Month That Was October 2020

The Month That Was… October 2020

November 1, 2020

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Autumn days are in full swing with the leaves falling from the trees, the wet and windy weather and the darker days. Life is continuing in somewhat lockdown., opting not to venture out unless necessary. Falling into a pattern of school runs, work, family activities and general family life. The half-term holidays brought us all together with What The Dad Said also off work. Allowing us some much-needed family time and a chance to celebrate Halloween at home.

The month that was… October 2020

Boo and What The Dad Said

The month has passed us by in a blur of work shifts, school runs and dealing with frustrations. I’ve withdrawn into myself this month, opting for quiet time reading my Kindle Paperwhite whenever I feel overwhelmed. This has helped keep my anxiety levels manageable rather than pushing too hard before I get too far gone that it takes additional time to level out again.

What The Dad Said’s shifts have been a little up and down this month which has left him feeling as though he is here, there and everywhere. He managed to make Halloween special for us all despite the change to our usual celebrations. With the children loving the Trick or Treat scavenger hunt around the house.


As a testament to how life has changed for us during the pandemic, it is odd to find Roo with no rehearsals for upcoming shows at school. This time of year is often filled with lines, songs and dance routines to be mastered. Thankfully she still selected to take Performing Arts for GCSE so she is still able to get her fix of performing. Learning about living statues this month and performing as Alice in Wonderland – including skipping down the corridors and greeting the principle! She has also signed up to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award. With three challenges to be completed within the next six months.

We’ve managed to squeeze in two sleepovers with her friends (at separate times due to the rule of six). So lovely for her to have some sort of normal teenage life rather than just catching up via social media and FaceTime.


Parents evening chat for Tigger revealed that he’s doing well at school. Maths and reading continuing to be his strong points. Whilst he needs to work on his written work as well as his emotional communication skills – with him opting to withdraw into himself rather than vocalise his feelings.

Alternating days on and off from electronics is enabling him to enjoy time playing and chatting to his friends and his cousin via game chat. With days off spent catching up on his homework on Google Classroom and spending time with his sisters, He has spent a lot of time drawing this month, which is something Piglet loves to sit down and do alongside him.


I wondered if the novelty of attending school every day would have worn off by now. Although she has attended nursery and preschool previously there is a bigger focus on learning and listening etc, in reception class. She’s loving it, always happy to go in and comes out on the whole happy. Fingers crossed that it continues and that the issues with a child being violent towards her eases.

At home, she has been her usual happy-go-lucky self. Utilising her amazing imagination when playing with her toys. Enjoying board games with her siblings and discovering the world of gaming on the Xbox One with the new PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay! game. It’s been amazing to see how quickly she has grasped the buttons required etc. She is having some difficulty understanding that Roo and Tigger don’t always want to play with her, each needing time away to do their own thing.

How was your month?

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