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The Month That Was… June 2019

July 1, 2019

(Insert monthly ramble about how quickly the month has passed)

June feels as though it was a busy month for all of us. With the family calendar hosting what feels like something every day. A mixture of work, school and everyday life squeezed alongside family adventures. Father’s Day was a wonderful chance to celebrate What The Dad Said. Although the children picked the activities so might not have been his first choice. But he was just happy to be surrounded by his children.

So this is the month that was June…

Family Adventures

After having a relatively quiet May half term holidays we somehow decided to make up for it this month. The better weather has allowed us to get out as a family and spend some quality time together.

  • Celebrating Father’s Day in London at Madame Tussauds and an extra special trip ‘Up at the O2’.
  • Adding in a last minute trip to Legoland Windsor despite Mr Boo having worked the last six days (and being completely shattered).
  • Then with the most glorious weather, we headed to Paultons Park. It was somewhat of a nightmare journey but oh so worth it when we finally did arrive.


Another busy month at school for Roo. Between Rounders matches and various performing arts rehearsals and shows – that girl never stops! Oh, and she squeezed in a West End theatre trip to see Everyone’s Talking About Jamie.

Thankfully in her spare time, she is still in the age where she is happy to come along with us on our family adventures. Especially when it is one that she has wanted to do since we visited Greenwich last summer. An opportunity to walk over the O2 – something I was very pleased that Mr Boo said that he would complete with her (I don’t do heights).


Discovering a renewed love for Pokemon Go (thanks to the new Pokemon film which he saw at the cinema with Mr Boo) he has been walking the long way to and from school with Mr Boo to collect more balls and capture new Pokemon. He does keep trying to explain it to me but it’s all lost on me.

School wise has been a good month, with a wonderful voicemail from his teacher to tell me how well he is doing and how much she is loving his personality. Such a lovely thing for her to have taken the time to do – needless to say, I won’t be deleting that voicemail.


We’ve finally had confirmation that Piglet has a 30-hour placement in the school preschool from September. A long time coming but we got there in the end. A visit to the school for a welcome chat as well as a home visit from her new teachers. Touchwood, it’s all starting to happen.

Aside from nursery/preschool Piglet is really changing at the moment. Her little personality is growing by the day. Little phrases and actions – she’s just so cute and funny (especially when things aren’t going her way!).

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