The first month of the year and the new decade is over. A month of packing away the festivities and returning to the every day mundane life of school, clubs, work and family chores. As boring and as mundane as life may feel at times, I’m not sure I would change it. We have a dynamic that works for us and I’d like to say we are happy. Accepting the loss of those are opting not to a part of our lives for one reason or another.
The month that was… January 2020

Boo and What The Dad Said
I managed to spend the first two or three weeks of the month under the weather. Holding onto a virus that didn’t fancy leaving me. It left me feeling tired, drained and utterly useless but instead of fighting the urge to soldier on. I allowed myself to succumb to nana naps and restful days resting on the sofa. What The Dad Said gracefully picking up my slack in the house and with the children. Even though he didn’t feel amazing either.
My little saviour during storm Brendon when the trampoline decided to go for a trip across the garden. Taken by one bug gust of wind it managed to travel across the garden (taking out the washing line) and getting wedged sideways between the wheelie bin store, the fence and next doors house (sorry neighbours!). These things always happen when What The Dad Said is at work! Luckily Roo came to the rescue and help me dismantle toe broken trampoline in the dark.
Year 8 parents evening went well with her teachers eager to tell me how lovely she is. Being helpful, entertaining and happy to participate in lessons. The usual theme of her talking too much was still there. But as I explained to both Roo and her teachers it is her choice to chat and if there are consequences from that she has to face them.
After enjoying tag rugby last year he was pleased to join a new class ran by an outside company after school once a week. Gaining a star player on his first week! Continuing with the sports theme we had to have words about his swimming lessons as he had been messing around in the pool with another child. As well as putting his head under the water when he should be listening to his teacher. He seems to have taken things on board and his behaviour is much improved.
One of the plus sides to What The Dad Said’s new part-time routine is that he is able to take part in the children’s school activities. Something that I have always strived to attend. We were both able to attend Tigger’s ‘I’ll take you to Mrs Cole‘ reading cafe. A chance to complete activities with him in his classroom.
Despite the initial success of getting Piglet into swimming lessons. It would appear that she is not ready. Lacking in water confidence and understanding as to what the teacher is asking of her. With a heavy heart, we have had to cancel her lessons for now. Which has been difficult for her to understand.
With the weather being cold, bright and dry she has been enjoying getting out on her scooter much more. Her confidence growing with each trip around our estate. Enjoying searching for the three little pigs houses and testing which paths and trails are easier for the scooter to be used on.
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