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The month that was… January

January 31, 2019

As quickly as it came the first month of 2019 is over already. I’m still very much trying to implement my word of the year ‘balance’ into my life. I know that I cannot continue to do everything and attempt to please everyone all the time. I’ve been turning away campaigns and projects that I know I can’t dedicate the time to. As well as saying no to things within my day to day life that I’d normally say yes to for the fear of saying no. 

So this was the month that was January… 


  • I’ve been adjusting to having an empty house during the mornings. Which is loveeas I’m able to get work and chores completed. It dies still feel strange not having Piglet here at least two mornings. 
  • Breakfast dates – with Piglet at preschool until lunchtime each day, it makes it difficult to plan catch ups with friends. So instead of ladies who lunch, we are now embracing breakfast dates… Thank goodness for all you can eat breakfasts served all morning. The perfect way to catch up with friends. 


  • Selected to take part in another dance show, this time held in Stevenage. Lots of rehearsals but something that she loves. 
  • Started cheerleading after school. She attended a tester session and loved it so has a term of after school cheerleading sessions ahead of her. 


  • Having swapped the swimming lesson with Mr Boo I have missed seeing Tigger’s progression with his lessons. This month I got to see just how well he is progress. 
  • As part of his weekly home requirement Tigger needs to complete four maths activities. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Most recently with Manga High. Something he groans about doing but is happy enough once he is on there. We’ll it all paid off as he was top of the Manga High scoreboard receiving a special certificate. 


  • Although she didn’t get a place to start in the school preschool. She has moved into the preschool section of the day nursery that she had already been attending. The transition has been straight forward and she has taken to her new keyworkers with ease. 
  • We waved a fond farewell to her dummy. Quite possibly long overdue (especially given some of the comments I’ve received) but something we wanted to do once she’d had her surgery. For one reason or another she managed to keep it until this month. However, we were down to one (that we could find) and when she lost this getting into the car after shopping. That was that, gone. Wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. 
A group of people posing for a photo

How was your January?

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