Life in Lockdown - Week 48 Piglet

The Month That Was… February 2021

March 1, 2021

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The shortest month of the year is over and it certainly lived up to its name. Whilst normally I would be grumbling about missing a day or two, maybe even a week from the month. However, I really do feel as though I missed at least half of the month. I blinked and before I knew it, it was time to turn the calendar over again to kickstart a new month.

It’s funny to think back to lockdown last year when I thought that the days and weeks would drag. Finding a new normal of being at home for the majority of the time we are happy in each others company and have found things to occupy our time.

The month that was… February 2021

Life in Lockdown - Week 48 Roo / The Month That Was February 2021

Boo and What The Dad Said

February is typically the month our family adventures kickstart again. Life in lockdown has put these plans on hold so whilst the two younger ones have been keyworker children at school, we have been working a variety of shifts to help feed the nation. With What The Dad Said off during the half-term holidays he was able to enjoy pancake day with the kiddies alongside quality time with them. Whilst I worked additional hours at work to cover others that were on holiday.


It’s hard to imagine that this time last year Roo had been preparing and attending a school ski trip to Italy. No such plans this year, instead she has had to make do with learning from home. Finding her groove with lessons, zoom chats and extra assignments to be completed. We are so proud of how she has applied herself to her applied herself to schoolwork. With her teachers sharing their praise too – especially on the zoom lesson when she was the only one from the class who tuned in live.

Thank goodness for technology helping to keep her cabin fever at bay. Still making the most of Netflix, PS4 gaming and starting to read more on the Kindle she received for Christmas.


Never one to really complain about things, Tigger tends to keep his head down and plod on. Although I do think he was looking forward to the half-term break from school. A chance to kick back and enjoy gaming, drawing and playing games with his siblings. With the snowfall the week before half term he made the most of the fun in the garden.


Snow day fun has certainly been a highlight of the month for Piglet. With the snow sticking around for almost a week she loved getting outdoors and making snow angels – swiftly followed by chocolate coffee (her name for hot chocolate). With the half-term holidays the week after she was missing her friends and teachers after the two-week break. I’m really pleased that we were able to secure her a keyworker placement as she really does throve in the school environment.

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