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The month that was… February

February 28, 2019

Oh February, where did you go? Apart from the fun of half term holidays I’m not entirely sure I can recall the rest of the days. Valentine’s Day was a quiet affair as always but lovely to spend time with Mr Boo – despite not being able to actually go out out. 

So this was the month that was February… 


Between Valentine’s Day and the half term holidays it has been a wonderful month to reconnect as a family. Laughing at silly things, enjoy time together and understanding how important our family unit is to one another.

It’s been a month of learning new things for me this month. With a special trip to London to discover the amazing world of Apple – more on that to come. But I was amazed at just how much a phone or tablet can be utilised for the whole family.


This girl doesn’t stop, with almost two after school activities booked each night. With Fridays currently being her only night off (although there are some upcoming dance rehearsals that will put pay to that). But she loves it. Throwing herself in to high school life and joining in wherever possible. 

Attended her first pool party for a friend’s birthday. Which of course required a new swimming costume! 


Oh this boy will make someone a wonderful husband one day. With him making sure to say Happy Valentine’s day to me and treated me to a special parents cafe at school. 

Stepping outside his comfort zone more and more at the moment. Enjoy the half term holidays, climbing on the spiders web at High Lodge and trying new foods. 


The troublesome threes has started to take hold. She would like you to believe that parenting is on her terms. And to a point she is correct, however, her bossy nature and sulking when things don’t go her way is a learning curve for us all. 

Another month, another milestone with the removal of the cot side and transformation into a toddler bed. If there was one of my children who was going to escape their cot I would have said it would be Piglet. However, she never did so we kept the sides on. All in all, its been a smooth transition – with the help of an extra duvet on the floor for rollouts.

A group of people posing for a photo

What adventures did you get up to in February?

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