The Month That Was… December 2019

January 1, 2020

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It’s been quite a rollercoaster of emotions this month. From some of the best moments to some of the very worst. Despite all that has been happening, the children managed to enjoy the festive build-up as well as the big day itself. With Santa bring them the item that they asked for from their Christmas list.

The month that was… December

Boo and What The Dad Said

The busy festive season has made us feel like passing ships in the night at times. However, we did enjoy a family trip to Cadbury World for their Christmas festivities, which if I’m honest I was a little disappointed with. The children had fun, so I guess that is the main thing.

I did manage to escape for the weekend on a #BlogOnVisits trip to Stoke. An opportunity to visit some of their potteries, explore the shops and belly laugh at the Sleeping Beauty panto. So lovely to get away and just be me for a couple of days.

Plus I managed to pull off a surprise 60th birthday party for my mam with my brother. Organising things whilst 274 miles away was a little tricky but we got there and she had an amazing evening.


The weeks and months of rehearsals, along with late nights all came together for a week of shows. Playing Mini Miss Lynch in Grease the Musical. She was incredibly nervous and anxious that her American accent wasn’t quite right. But she was amazing during the live performances.

A much longed-for rest from dance, drama & sports rehearsals have meant that she has been home at 3pm – which has felt quite strange. Allowing her to catch up with TV, movies and play computer games with Tigger.


It feels as though Tigger has had a quiet month. With his time taken up with swimming lesson, coding club and Pokemon Go! Although he has just started to make headway on his reading pile. Full of books he got for his birthday including The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch.


By some sort of miracle, the stars aligned and not only was Piglet able to start swimming lessons this month. But her lesson is the exact same day and time as Tigger’s. A true parenting win if ever there was one! Although she was apprehensive on her first lesson. Thankfully a new pair of goggles seem to have eased the water splashing anxiety for her and she is starting to get into the swing of things.

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