The Month That Was… As the month of August approaches it can feel like a long daunting month. Especially when you factor in the children have finished school, juggling work commitments and the increase in things to be paid for (food, travel, days out etc.). However, once the calendar turns over to reveal August it feels as though the days pass by in a blur and before I know it, it is the end of the month and back to school is looming.
The Month That Was… August 2020
That’s where I am right now, wondering where the summer holiday days have gone. Worrying that we haven’t done enough with the children and whether we can cram a few more days of fun in before they head back to school. Of course, this year has been slightly different, with the children already at home before the summer. Not that this eases my mum guilt over whether or not I should be making more of their childhood.
Boo and What The Dad Said
I’ve really felt for What The Dad Said this month as he has juggled long work shifts around family time and days out. I can see how tired he is, yet her just keeps going. This month, I have been looking into the possibility of returning to employment. Although the first batch of jobs I applied for all ended in rejection, before the interview stage so that was rather disheartening. I need to redo my CV and register with some job sites this coming month once the children are back at school.
One positive of having had blog campaigns slow down is that I have been able to step back and have more time with the children this summer and making time for reading etc.

Being a teenager in a lockdown can be tough especially when you’re used to being very sociable. Thankfully as we start to think and plan for back to school she has been able to catch up with friends. So lovely to see her face light up when seeing someone in real life rather than via Face Time or whatever app the kids utilise nowadays (I won’t pretend to be down with the kids). Alongside this is has loved our family days out to some theme parks, I think she can finally see the light at the end of the lockdown tunnel.
Big changes for Tigger this month as we waved a fond farewell to his high back booster seat. As well as reaching another height level required for the bigger, more thrilling rides at the theme parks. Loving the chance to visit Thorpe Park with Roo and What The Dad Said for a day full of rides.

The first full month of being back at home since finishing preschool. It hasn’t gone brilliantly as she has struggled once again with just our social skills to occupy her. Chatting about the friends she is missing and the activities that she’d complete at school too. This is the last summer before she starts school which has made me all too aware of how quickly time passes. Enjoying a mother/daughter day at the seaside was lovely. It’s always amazing to view the world from her point of view for a few hours.
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