The A-Z Meme

November 22, 2011
A close up of text on a white background

ANORAK…Do you have a sad side?

Several things, like insisting the dishwasher is loaded a certain way, the dirty washing separated into whites and darks

BODY…What physical attribute would you most like to change?
My jelly belly, after two c-sections it has never been the same

CELEBRITY…Which one would you most like to date and why?
Joshua Jackson (aka Pacey Witter), he has rugged good looks and a great wit

DEBUT …Tell us about your first ever blog post. What made you start blogging?
Coming to the end…  About me finishing my maternity leave and returning to work. I started blogging as I enjoyed reading so many whilst I was on maternity leave and wanted to share my life juggling work, childcare and life

ERROR …What’s been your biggest regret?
Losing friends, either by growing apart or falling out… as the years go by I wonder why we lost touch

FUNNY – who’s making you laugh?
Peter Kay, the funniest man alive… he doesn’t even need to speak some of his expressions get me giggling

GRAND…If we gave you one right now what would you spend it on?
I’d buy my husband an iPad for Christmas and save the rest (boring I know)

HOLIDAY… What’s your favourite destination?
I’d love to visit New York at Christmas, I want to see the Rockefellar Center Christmas tree

IRRITATE… What’s your most annoying habit?
I talk too much (way too much)

JOKER…Whats your favourite joke {the one that makes you laugh every time you hear it}?
We need to change your bum, this one has a crack in it

KENNEL… Do you have any pets?
Just fish

LOVE…Are you single, married, engaged, living with a long term partner?
Married, recently celebrating seven years (11 years together)
MEAL… Whats your ultimate starter, main and dessert?
Garlic Bread, Lasagne, Apple Crumble and Custard

NOW…If you could be anywhere right now where would you be and who with?
New York with Mr Boo watching the Christmas lights get switched on

OFF DUTY…What do you do in your spare time?

PROUD MOMENTS …What are you most proud of?
Getting married and having my children

QUEASY …What turns your stomach?
Vomit and spitting

RELAX…How do you relax?
Watch a film

SONG…What’s your favourite song of all time?
Robert Miles – Children

TIME …If you could go back in time and relive it again, when would you choose?
My wedding date, it seemed to go so fast and would love to relive the day again

UNKNOWN…Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows?
I can be in a room full of people but feel lonely

VOCAL…. Who is your favourite artist?
Musicially? Rod Stewart, there is just something about his husky voice

WORK….. What is your dream job, and are you doing it now?
I love to organise so wedding or party planning would be great, sadly I’m not doing that at the moment but I try my best to organise the ladies I work with now

XRAY…Any broken bones?
No, thankfully

YIKES…What’s been your most embarrassing moment?
Too many to think of the worst, but probably ruining Mr Boo’s 18th birthday by being sick everywhere

ZOO…. If you were an animal, which one would you be?
Penguin, so I could mate for life

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