Julian Bowen Fullerton 4 Drawer Bed

Updating Your Teenager’s Bedroom

October 13, 2021

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There are so many exciting milestones when you become parents, and one of them has to be decorating the baby’s nursery. You can get so overwhelmed by what cot bed to choose and what sort of bedroom furniture to have, and that isn’t even taking into account how you might want to decorate the walls or the soft furnishings. As they become a toddler, you adapt the room accordingly. You make it a big deal as it is such a milestone. Even as your child gets a bit older you decorate the room to suit their interests, get them a single bed, and make it a space they love. 

However, what happens when they are teenagers? The truth is, they are often stuck in their childhood single bed. You may update the bed linen, perhaps change some of the other soft furnishings, and perhaps paint the walls. But it isn’t usually the big deal it used to be. The thing is, sleep is important to us all, but throughout the teenage years, their bodies are going through a number of changes. They need comfort and the opportunity to sleep.

Not to mention the mental impact of those changes such as schoolwork ramping up and the fact they have a better social life than their parents. A good night’s sleep is important as well as creating a space they feel happy in. With that in mind, here are some of the considerations for when updating your teenager’s bedroom. 

Think about the bed

One of the first things to consider would be the bed. This is the main focal point of any room, but might be especially important for your teen. It could be the moment where they transition from a childhood single bed into a double. Giving them more space to spread out and to get more sleep. There will be plenty of options to consider but you might want to think about a double bed with storage. This will give you plenty of space to keep some things away, without cluttering up the rest of the room. It is a great space to store spare bed linen, which makes it easier to change the bedding when needed. 

Updating your teenager's bedroom - Julian Bowen Fullerton 4 Drawer Bed

Update any bedroom furniture

Another thing you will want to think about when updating your teenager’s bedroom is to look at changing the bedroom furniture. The chances are, the furniture in there at the moment might be more suitable for a child rather than your teen. Especially as they end up needing to store more things. Looking online for bedroom furniture will help you to get an idea of what you might need. Make sure that you consider the layout and what will provide the most useful, as you don’t want to take too much space up. 

Can you create zones in your teenager’s bedroom?

If you can, it might be worth trying to create zones in your teenager’s bedroom. Your teen will likely need to have a study space that could include a desk and a space for a computer or laptop. They might also want a chill-out space where they can read and relax. You might also need space for things like gaming or working out. Last, of all, they might also invite friends around, so having a space that can accommodate them could make things easier. The more space you have to work with, the more you can create a space that will be useful and worthwhile for your teen to use. 

Updating your teenager's bedroom - Julian Bowen Fullerton 4 Drawer Bed

Consider the colour scheme

You will also need to think about the colour scheme that you have in there. When your children are younger you may have had brighter colours, but as a teen, they may want a more adult feel to their room. Perhaps a feature wall where a darker colour might be used. Colour is an expression of personality, so it could be a good idea to get your teenager involved in choosing the colours they will like. This will help you to buy other things for the room such as bed linen and soft furnishings. 

Remove any traces of bedroom themes of the past

As you are changing your teenager’s room this is now the time to make sure you remove any traces of past themes. There may be some things they want to keep for sentimental reasons, but this is the time to create an adult space that they will feel comfortable and happy in. 

Why it is important to create a bedroom with your teen in mind

It is important to take time to create a bedroom that is suitable for your teen. They will need to be able to get more sleep, but also enjoy some privacy as they learn to come to terms with their increasing hormone levels as well as the pressures of school work and social life. 

Hopefully, these tips and advice will help you to update your teenager’s bedroom. 

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