Household Winter Heating Tips

December 3, 2019 No Comments

When it comes to winter, the Greeks decided the best and most straightforward explanation behind the chilly weather was that Persephone – goddess of trees and bushes and plants – had descended far underground once more for six months to visit her husband, Hades, ruler of the underworld. Only upon her return to see her family for six months each year do the branches begin to bloom again. And so, the yearly weather cycle was established. Makes sense.

4 Things to do Before Winter Arrives

September 25, 2019 No Comments

Winter is on the way, which means that the colder weather is just around the corner. During the winter of 2018, even parts of the UK that rarely have snow found themselves with a thick covering of the white stuff. This severe winter weather created widespread disruption across the UK. Whether there will be more snow this winter remains to be seen, but it certainly makes sense to be prepared for whatever this winter has in store.

How to winter-proof your garden furniture

September 17, 2019 No Comments

Whilst it’s difficult to accept that summer is drawing to a close, there are a ton of things to be getting on with before the bad weather and dark nights set in. Whether you’re squeezing out the last few drops of sun by enjoying your garden or battening down the hatches for the colder seasons, it’s undeniable that your garden & your lawn furniture need a little TLC to be prepared for winter.

Have a Beautiful Garden Even in Winter

December 17, 2018 No Comments

Many people plan their gardens by the way it will look during the warmer months. Just because the weather turns cold, doesn’t mean the garden has to look dark and dreary. There are many plants that you can add to your garden that you can add to your garden that flowers over winter.

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