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Just in time for summer, Get Out and Grow, is launching an incentive encouraging students to head outside and get planting, growing and learning about just where fruit and vegetables come from.
Did you know that more than 87% of the households in Britan have a garden? Kids love to garden but over half of the kids between 4-8 are unable to name at least 5 fruits and vegetables that are grown in the garden. 95% of kids couldn’t name 3 herbs. Most do not know what the names of the different gardening tools are and 80% of the kids have never seen rake. 79% of kids think worms are bad for plants. Many of these kids, 20%, have never eaten a vegetable that they have grown. Sudocrem wants to change that with gardening kits for schools so that children are able to start gaining their green fingers as part of their education.
Why It is Important to Garden with Kids

There are so many reasons that you should garden with your kids.
Gets Kids Excited for Healthy Eating
When kids have a hand in gardening, they are more likely to try the vegetables and fruits. Even some of the fussiest children will take a bite of something that they have grown themselves. Since the child had a hand in making it, they are more likely to eat it.
Teaches Responsibility
When children have to be responsible for keeping something alive, like plants, they learn that what we do, our actions can have consequences, both good and bad. When the kids’ water and weed the garden, their plants grow. If they decide not to do it, then the plants will die. Teach kids to remember the gardening tasks by using a checklist. The checklist can have everything that needs to be done and then step by step, the kids can go through and finish what needs to be done.
Teach Kids ABout the Environment
As kids garden, they learn that things in the environment can affect everything. That includes the food we eat. If we do not take care of the world around us, it can have a direct effect on people, starting with the food we eat.

Get out and grow
With gardening being such an important aspect in our life, Sudocrem wants to help bring gardening into schools. They are donating garden growing kits to 20 schools nationwide. The kits include child-sized wheelbarrows, gardening gloves, child-sized trowels and more.
Research has shown that gardening is a skill that is being forgotten, and starting small like this, by simply including it into an educational setting, is a way to start bringing it back. Not only is it a way for children to learn and find a gardening passion, but it also helps with children behaviour. The children who already have a garden at school enjoy getting out into the garden, getting dirty and can encourage children to follow rules in order to get to go to the garden.
Let’s help our children learn where their food comes from and encourage them to get into the garden.
Win a Sudocrem School Gardening Kit for your local nursery or primary school
To help encourage the children at your local nursery or primary school to get into gardening, grow their own food and maybe even plant some flowers. Sudocrem has kindly given us one of the School Gardening Kits to giveaway.
Prize: Sudocrem School Gardening Kit for your local nursery or primary school
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