This is a partnership post with StuckOnYou
Just like that, another school year is over and whilst the children are looking forward to the long summer days ahead of them. I have to admit that as a parent I am thinking about all the things I need to have ready for September. Making lists of school uniform that needs to be purchased. Along with all the accessories the children require such as lunch boxes, water bottles and backpacks.
This September sees me having a child in preschool, primary school and high school (poor planning on my behalf). So I feel as though I need to be more organised than ever. Thankfully due to some wonderful offers on school uniforms earlier in the month I have managed to purchase the bulk of the everyday items. Shirts, polo shirts, skirts and trousers are all ready for September (as long as the children don’t suddenly grow six inches over the summer!).
Back to school – label everything!
With the majority of the children’s school uniform sitting here ready for September, I have been getting myself organised and ensuring that it is labelled before it is hung up in their wardrobes. Over the years I have used various methods to label the children’s clothing. Personally, I have found that a clothing name stamp is the best method. Not only in terms of the time taken to complete but also for the longevity of name impression on garments.
What’s included in the clothing name stamp pack?

- Clear name stamp – Max print space is 3.5cm W x 1.3cm D depending on icon and length of the name
- Black ink stamp – Pad size 9.5cm W x 7cm D. Waterproof ink that dries instantly and is long-lasting
- 12x Iron-on labels – Perfect for labelling darker garments. These are washing machine and tumble dryer safe
- Grey felt storage bag – This can be personalised too so you are able to find the name you require easily
The clothing name stamp pack comes as a complete labelling package, enabling you to utilise the different accessories as needed. Quick and easy to use, it can be done as a bulk get ready for a new school year task or ad-hoc as the children require new items throughout the year or even heading off on trips/camps.
How to personalise the clothing name stamp pack
When it comes to ordering your clothing name stamp it is so easy to do and I love that you are able to personalise it to your own tastes or that of your child.
- Name – This can be added over one or two lines with a maximum of 15 characters on each line
- Font – 8 different font styles available
- Icon – 16 different icons available, including the option not to have an icon included
- Felt Cover – You can choose to have the felt cover personalised too, this helps if you are purchasing more than one stamp so that you are able to find the name you require without having to open up each pouch
As we have a fairly unusual surname I am able to get away with just adding our family name on our clothing name stamp. I selected the Notch font with the addition of the funky star icon as this will appeal to all three of my children.

Once it arrived and I’d unpacked the set I was impressed with the quality of the different items included. I didn’t realise at first that the iron-on name labels were included within the pack so this was a welcomed surprise and are great for labelling school jumpers and darker garments.
The name stamp is a good size and easy to hold, with the addition of a ‘this way up’ label on the top assisting you to label the right way up – I’m sure I’m not the only one who has labelled upside down before. Complete with the large black ink pad which offers waterproof ink, drying instantly and providing a long-lasting naming solution.

Labelling top tips
When it comes to labelling uniforms it can be seen as quite a task and is often put off to the last minute or not at all. However, using a system like the clothing name stamp it can be completed in seconds. On lighter coloured garments the stamp can be applied directly. This will dry instantly and offer a waterproof naming solution. Whilst darker garments will need the addition of an iron-on name label first, which once cooled from being applied it can be stamped with the clothing name stamp.
Label everything – Let’s start with the obvious tip of labelling everything. From uniforms, shoes, bags, lunch bags and water bottles. Whatever your child takes to school needs to be labelled. Not only for the hope that lost items will be found, but so that your child is able to easily identify their own things. In a classroom of 30 children, they are likely to have another child with a similar coat, bag etc. And, of course, all their uniforms look the same!
Don’t add name labels to the washing labels within clothes – Not only does this block the sizing and washing instructions but is sadly all too easy to remove should your darling child misplace their school jumper etc. Whilst schools will tell you if things are labelled they will make their way back to you. It is, sadly, not always the case.
Label where your child can find it – The temptation is to label at the back of a pair of trousers. However, if you ask a child whether they have the right trousers on after sports etc. They will have to remove them to double-check, however, if you label at the front, on the white of the pocket they are able to peek in and see if their name is there. The same goes for polo shirts, add their name on the hem of the shirt inside the front.
Label again – Although it is important to have the item labelled in a place your child can find easily. It can be easier for parents and teachers to have things labelled in the collar etc. add an additional name stamp here too.

Where you can order the personalised name stamp pack
The clothing name stamp pack is available from StuckOnYou. With the ability to personalise the text and icon as desired it makes a great addition to any home. Whether you are labelling school clothing, after school activities items or just trying to remember which item of clothing belongs to which child!
Have you got your back to school labelling organised?

Win a StuckOnYou Clothing Name Stamp Pack
To ensure that you are back to school ready and able to label the children’s school uniform easily, we have a StuckOnYou Clothing Name Stamp Pack to giveaway.
Prize: StuckOnYou Clothing Name Stamp Pack
To enter complete the Gleam widget below, all entries are optional and each one completed will gain you more entries into the random draw.
StuckOnYou Clothing Name Stamp Pack
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