Steps to Take When You Have a Car Accident on Holiday

July 4, 2019

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Going on holiday is one of the more exciting things that you can do in life. It takes careful planning and patience, but the end result often makes it all worth it. You want to make sure that when you’re on holiday, every moment is sacred and something worth remembering. Seeing as you can’t control everything that happens, however, this isn’t always the case. One of the most unfortunate things that could happen while on holiday is getting into an accident of any nature. Just to prepare you for the worst while you hope for the best, here are steps you can take if you get into a car accident. 

What steps to take if you have a Car Accident on Holiday

A close up of a person driving a car - Steps to Take When You Have a Car Accident on Holiday

Stop the Vehicle 

When you are involved in an accident on holiday, you should follow a similar protocol as you would in your home country. This means stopping the vehicle and turning off the engine immediately after a collision. The next best thing to do would be to call the police and get a formal report. Before they come, avoid admitting liability or apologising for what happened. Instead, take the time out to make notes about the incident and get pictures of number plates as well as other vehicles that are involved. Also, make sure to get the insurance details and contact details of witnesses, you’ll need these for your car accident attorneys and for your insurance records. 

Seek Medical Attention

Stopping to check that everyone is okay after getting into an accident is a must. No matter how seemingly small the physical damages may be, have them looked at to be sure they aren’t indicators of something more serious. Whiplash is a common injury people endure after an accident as well as head injuries and fractured bones. The good news is that if you manage to get travel insurance, then you should likewise be entitled to cover your medical costs. Make a note that you may not be as lucky when it comes to covering liability. 

If you look at the information provided on, you can find out more about how you can get compensation, especially if the accident wasn’t your fault.

See What Your Insurance Options are 

When you get into a car accident on holiday, your insurance options may be somewhat different. This is especially the case if the vehicle that you were driving was hired and not covered by your insurer. If you do have insurance, unless you extended the cover, it will probably come in the form of third-party cover while overseas. This means that only the third party will be covered if an accident takes place. 

For future references, if you’re driving outside of the EU, applying for a Green Card could at least give you the minimum coverage required by the country you’re visiting. The only countries that still require ones are Belarus, Morocco, Russia, and Turkey. 

repairing a car

Recover from Events 

Getting into a car accident on holiday can spoil the mood of your time away. However, if everyone is okay and you aren’t suffering any major injuries, try to enjoy the rest of the time that you have. However, if it’s all too overwhelming, it’s also okay to go home early, so you’re back to safety and familiarity. Making sure you’re able to recover from any mental as well as physical damages is what’s most important.

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