So You Want To Start A Blog? Fantastic news! But how do you get started? Take a look a the top tips below to help you on your way…
Blogging has fast become a popular hobby and even a career for many people. It’s a wonderful way of capturing moments, recording times of your life, and expressing yourself through the written word and captures. However, a lot of people love the idea of it but haven’t got a clue where to start or how to go about it. But don’t stress, if this is something you have thought about doing, then here are the top tips to help you start a blog.
Top tips to help you start a blog

Don’t think about it too much, just start
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Thinking about something and doing it are two different things entirely. But the more we think about something, the less likely we can end up taking that plunge. So if you want to start a blog then be confident in that decision at least and just start it. Things like themes and social media profiles can all be uploaded and created in your own time. The more you do, the better your idea of what direction you will want to take.
Design a blog that suits your topic and personality
When it comes to the design side of things, remember that this blog is for you. So think about your personality and your brand, and design it from there. It’s worth considering having a header for your blog to make your home page eye-catching, and this can then resonate throughout your online presence. Think about your colour choices. At this stage, it’s worth trying to be consistent.
What’s your niche
Every blog has a niche, it might be general like lifestyle, or something more specific like food or fitness. Whatever it is, make sure you stick to your niche and design your blog, and write around that. The more you are specific with what you want out of the blog, the better chance you will have marketing it in the right places.
Don’t underestimate the power of social media
Social media will be one of your biggest ways to advertise your blog and new content. So it’s important to ensure that you are consistent on all social media platforms, and upload regularly. It’s a good idea to consider how your profiles look as well, so make a Twitter header to match your theme or add a cover photo to your Facebook page that sums up your blog. These little details can make a difference. Also try and upload consistent with your brand, for example, edit photographs on platforms like Instagram the same way each time.

The more you blog, the better you will become
In the early stages, it’s a good idea to blog regularly, so you have a few posts for new readers to sink their teeth into. It will also help you increase your domain authority as time goes on.
Don’t compare yourself to another blog at a different stage of the journey
Try and ensure that you don’t compare yourself to other bloggers, especially when you first start out. Every blogger is at a different stage of their journey so it wouldn’t be fair to compare yourself to someone who is more established. Focus on your blog and building your audience.
Place a bit of focus on photography
Finally, the writing of your blog is important, but don’t discount your photography. Many people are visual, so quality captures to accompany your words will always make for a better blog reading experience.
I hope this has offered you some tips to help you start a blog.