Washing and Machine

Sometimes things can’t be fixed

July 8, 2016

If I were to ask you all what your life essentials were I bet you would all answer differently, after all, we are all different. For me, my life essentials have changed over the years, whilst my GHD hair straighteners would still appear within my important list there are items that are useful but not essential like my steam iron (although I do love to iron, who really cares if my bed sheets are wrinkled?).

As a mum, my life essentials now revolve around those appliances that make my life easier like the dishwasher, washing machine and of course, the ultimate life essential the boiler. Over the past few years I have been unlucky enough to have issues with all three of these appliances.

Firstly, my dishwasher wouldn’t drain correctly, however, after a quick Google search I was fortunate to find a fix for that so I was lucky enough to not have to pay out for a replacement. My boiler, unfortunately, went wrong just after we had our new bathroom fitted. Sadly it was a part that was no longer available so we had to replace it and fortunately Mr. Boo had just received a bonus from work which had been earmarked towards a new car but ended up paying for a replacement boiler.

Washing and Machine

Earlier this year my washing machine broke down, which at first I brushed off as a blocked filter and no big deal. After a day or two I suddenly realised just how much I used my washing machine and as a house of five the dirty laundry soon started to pile up forcing me to our local launderette until I was able to get an engineer out to take a look at the washing machine.

Finally after almost a week the engineer arrived and found the fault, fabulous I thought he’ll be able to replace the part and I’ll be able to complete my washing as normal… nope. He looked at me and said ‘sometimes things can’t be fixed‘ as I tried to understand why it couldn’t be repaired. Of course, these things always go wrong at the worst possible time and as we had just paid out for our car insurance renewal, MOT and car tax (bad planning on my behalf having it all in the same month) money was tight and we didn’t have the funds straightaway to purchase a replacement. At the same time we couldn’t afford not to have a washing machine in the house especially with a little baby who likes to go through several changes of clothes a day.

In order to get a washing machine we looked into getting a short term loan, which after all the usual credit checks we were accepted and able to have the funds the same day as the decision in order for us to get a new washing machine ordered for next day delivery. When I think back to watching my Granny do all the washing on a Monday with her old twin tub I have no idea how she managed it, I have the washing machine on at least one a day sometimes even more than that.

What life essentials could you not live without?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post, however, I really do have dreadful luck when it comes to appliances

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