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Through this simple skincare routine for teenage girls, they can maintain healthy glowing skin. Apart from superficial care, good food habits are also essential for maintaining healthy skin.
Teenage girls often think that it is yet not the time to indulge themselves in stringent skincare. But that isn’t the case. The teenage years bring along with them some inevitable skin problems right from oiliness to acne and suntan.
The surprising fact is that with a few simple skincare routine steps these problems can be cured very easily. Home remedies can be employed for these simple cares because chemical products often react adversely on the sensitive skin of the teenagers
Skincare routine for teenage girls

Cleansing is the most important step because it helps to remove all the dirt that gets settled on the surface as well as clogs the pores. The dirty facial surface is often the best breeding ground for bacterias that causes breakouts and acne on the skin.
Cleaning the face with a mild face wash, at least 3 times every day can save teenage girls from this problem. If you do not want to use a face wash try some natural homemade cleansers. You can mix gram flour, yoghurt and turmeric powder to create a smooth face pack and use it as a cleanser for your face and body. This pack removes all the excess oil from the skin and renders freshness.
Besides trying homemade cleansers, there are all-natural products that you can use easily in your daily skincare routine. Especially, when you are a teenager, sometimes your face can be oilier, sometimes drier, and it also can change with the seasons. So you should know your skin well and start using products that never harm your skin. There are many simple options such as aloe vera, green tea or glycerin.
Many products have natural ingredients in them, for example, aloe vera gel, which is made up of over 96% water and is an amazing moisturiser, and also has great skin-healing properties, or goat milk soap, which is packed with many vitamins and minerals, so that can help you get rid of all the issues in the short period.
Sun protection
Teenagers do not really need an elaborate skincare schedule and can skip the toning or moisturisation steps. But the one step that they cannot afford to miss is the application of sunscreen. Teenage years are filled with study pressures, outdoor games and plenty of activities. So, you really cannot physically hide your skin from the sun. but what you can do is, apply a thick layer of high SPF sunscreen whenever you go out.
In case you have already got tanned, try out two face packs to remove the tan. Mix some potato juice, tomato juice and lemon juice all over your face. Let it dry properly and wash away with cold water. The second pack is of yoghurt and lime juice. Mix them well and apply a thick layer over the tanned area. You can rub a slice of tomato all over your face daily. It helps out in removing tan.
Acne, pimples and break out
Excess oiliness and hormonal changes in the body are responsible for the excessive instances of pimples in the case of teenagers. But there are simple processes by which you can put a stop to these problems. When you adapt to the daily skin cleansing process, the incidences of pimples will; reduce automatically. In case you are still caught in their trap, you can try out these simple face packs
Apply some Aloe vera gel all over your face every day. it will not only help to reduce instances of pimples and acne but also enhance the glow and clarity of the skin
Boil some basil leaves in plain water. Cool the water and freeze it in the form of cubes. Massage your face with these ice cubes. It will soothe the skin and also help to get rid of frequent pimples and acne.
Another grave skincare routine problem faced by teenage girls is the occurrence of whiteheads and blackheads. If you scrub your face at least once in a week, it will exfoliate the skin and remove all the dead cells from your skin. You can take some sugar crystals or rice powder and mix it with lemon juice to prepare a homemade scrub and rub your face gently with these.
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