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Siblings {June 2015}

June 17, 2015

Another month has flown by, although Mr Boo and I had been looking forward to June for a few weeks as it meant it was time for our dating scan with Piglet and we were finally able to tell the children, family and friends that we were extending the family.

With half term at the end of May we have managed to enjoy several days out and watched the bond between Roo and Tigger grow even closer.

Warwick Castle

This s the first year that we have had Merlin Annual Passes so we are on a mission to make the most of them. One of the places we have never visited before was Warwick Castle so we headed over during the May half term holidays to see what we had been missing out on.

A little girl standing in front of a fence

Drayton Manor

We managed to cram in another visit to Drayton Manor partly to enjoy the #LoveYourZoo campaign but mainly because both Roo and Tigger love visiting there and enjoying the rides.

A person sitting on a bench in front of a statue

Great Yarmouth

We are very lucky to live in a seaside town and we don’t always appreciate it. However on sunny days we make the most of it and head into town, walking down the tourist filled streets, hop aboard mini rides and enjoy a film at the local cinema.

A little boy standing in front of a store

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