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Although you are likely to be thinking that the start of the school year is in the distant future, it is also the ideal time to start thinking about the uniform and getting more organised. After all, it will be here before we know it. So breathe a sigh of relief. Uniform isn’t a difficult thing to purchase. Most schools have a list of things that you need to purchase, in some cases, branded jumpers and shirts. For the most part, you can pick up school uniforms at the supermarket and have done with it. But the school shoes can often be a trickier purchase to make.
The truth is, your child will wear their school shoes for around six hours a day, perhaps longer if they head off to breakfast or after-school clubs. Much as you think about comfort for the shoes you may have to wear to work each day, you also need to consider exactly what happens during the school day. You want your child to be looking smart, but you also need to ensure that they are comfortable as well. So how can you pick the right school shoes for your child? Here are some of the things to consider.
Check your school’s guidance
One of the first things you need to do before you head out to buy the school shoes is to check the guidance from your school. This is especially important if your child is starting school for the first time. Some schools will be happy to allow trainer-style black pumps whereas others might be a little stricter in what they accept. Knowing what the guidance is means you don’t waste any money buying something inappropriate and keeps your child happy in school.

Getting the right size
Kids’ feet grow, and sometimes they may jump up a size or two in just one school year. So make sure that you get your child’s feet measured. It is important for you to get the right size and it isn’t just length you also need to consider the right width. Some shoes are narrower than others, and this can cause discomfort for your child during the day. You can look online for a foot measuring gauge that can give you a better idea. This gives you the right information to ensure that you get the right size shoes for your child.
What about the right sort of shoe?
Another thing you might not consider is the right sort of shoes for your child. There are velcro, slip-on, and also laces when it comes to school shoes. Of course, this might be a choice based on age and ability, but you also need to consider how they look. So take some time to decide what sort of shoes will be best for your child. It isn’t just about the comfort factor, but also the ease of putting them on and off, especially when getting changed for PE or swimming lessons during the day. The last thing you want is for them to feel flustered when they are trying to be quick.

Air-Rite Innovation
The new clever and ‘cool’ Air-Rite technology is designed to know exactly where children’s feet get hot. Air-Rite allows targeted airflow to support the body’s regulation system and help reduce sweating. Designed to cope with a variety of terrains and weather conditions, Air-Rite technology stops water from getting in whilst allowing air to flow around the foot so feet keep fresh and comfortable for longer.
Why do you need Air-Rite?
Each foot has 250,000 sweat glands and produces an egg cup size worth of moisture every day! There are more sweat glands per inch in our feet than anywhere else in the body and their function is to keep the skin moist and supple. Sweat glands secrete all the time, not just in response to heat or exercise as elsewhere in the body but sweaty feet can also be caused by stress on the foot. This may be due to a structural problem, or because the foot is under strain or tired, for example, when you’ve been standing on your feet all day.
Teenagers are more likely to get sweaty feet because hormonal changes make them sweat more and feet often become smelly when sweat soaks into the shoes and they don’t dry before they are worn again.

What happens during the school day?
It is important to understand that your child’s day is not all about sitting at a desk for six hours doing school work. Many schools encourage a more active school day and you will need to ensure that you have the right shoes for the job. You can look for school shoes for active kids that will provide comfort as well as looking appropriate for school. There is so much more to the day than you might think.
For starters, there are regular breaks outside. Your child might play football or other sports during their break times. Run around chasing their friends and generally having fun. For some shoes, this might mean that they get scuffed and a little more damaged. So robust shoes are key. You also need to understand that sometimes children end up outside for learning. There are studies proving that there is a real benefit to change up the learning environment and many schools incorporate this into their lesson plans.
Get them a few weeks earlier
You should also consider getting the school shoes a few weeks before their school start date. It might be in your mind that the longer you leave it, the better it will be in terms of size and getting the wear out of them. However, getting them a few weeks earlier means that you can give your child the chance to wear them at home. It allows them to get more comfortable wearing them and avoids those first few days with sore feet.
Buying your school shoes sooner rather than later means that you can tick another thing off the list. Hopefully, these tips will help you when it comes to choosing the right pair for your child.