REVIEW: The Zelfs

A close up of a toy doll

Love your Zelf!

When the twilight moon is in the sky,
the Zelfs appear in
a secret garden called Zardenia.

Love your Zelf and they’ll share
their special powers!

During a recent visit to Christmas in July I was fortunate to be introduced to The Zelfs from Character Options. As a girl I can remember collecting and play with a similar product. I am pleased to see that the next generation of girls are getting the opportunity to interact with with the colourful, fun and funky dolls.

Having already had a little play with these I was happy to be invited to review The Zelfs in the comfort of my own home. Thing is though, do I really have to share them with Roo??

Late last week my our The Zelfs package arrived with one medium Zelf and three Lil’ Zelfs. Along with an advance copy of The Zelfs magazine called Girls Love Zelfs (RRP £3.99).

The Zelfs Medium Zelf

The 12 medium size dolls (RRP £5.99) are a natural progression for any Zelfs fan and with 12 to collect with the addition of the super rare Miss Clover Zelf, there’s plenty to get excited about.

A close up of a stuffed toy on a table

Pegasus Zelf

Zelf Bio: This rainbow-tones mane with a genius brain is always perched atop Shady Shed. She ponies up an answer for every question.
Zelf Power: Serious smarts… A+ fortune!
Fabitat: Pony up Stables
Birthday: National Day of the Horse

The medium Zelf is hand sized, so perfect for slipping into pockets or little girls handbags ready for pulling out and enjoying the days adventures. Alongside the Zelf you also receive a comb, charm and three hairbands to enable you little ones to change their Zelfs hairstyle as often as they want.

The Zelfs Lil’ Zelfs

Driving the collectability will be the pocket money pencil topper dolls called Lil’ Zelfs (RRP £1.99). Presented in their very own plant pots, Series 1 will have 36 to collect making them the perfect weekly treat for Zelf fans! They’ll be delighted this Christmas to find out which Lil’ Zelfs could be hiding in their stocking!

I have to say that the Lil’ Zelfs are my favourite, packaged in a cute pot (they look like flower pots to me). Opening the pot to reveal your Lil’ Zelf not only are you keen to see which of the 12 different characters you have got but whether you have added a standard, pearl or glitter Zelf to your collection.

Girls Love Zelfs magazine 

It will be a one off girls magazine and will be available in the next 2 weeks at all good magazine sellers such as supermarkets. There’s 36 fantastic pages full of Zelf activities. I’m hoping it will keep Roo busy for hours and introduce her to all there is to know about this new Zelf world! What’s more it has a free Zelf and two other gifts on the cover and a free poster inside. It’s a great way to start the collection.

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

Having previously collected a similar range I am more than happy to purchase these for myself Roo. The price points that The Zelfs are available for make them an affordable treat, incentive or pocket money purchase.

The Lil’ Zelfs would make great party bag fillers or an addition to little girls Christmas stockings. The medium Zelfs would make great birthday gifts for little girls aged 3 upwards.

With prices starting at just £1.99 for Lil’ Zelfs, £5.99 for Medium Zelfs, £9.99 for Large Zelfs and finally £19.99 for Venus Fly Trap Spin Salon they are available at a reasonable price.

Boo xxx

Disclosure Policy: We received a selection of The Zelfs FOC for the purpose of review.

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