REVIEW: Snuggle Pets CuddleUppets

What do you get if you cross a cuddly blanket with a puppet? 
A CuddleUpPet!

A drawing of a person

Cuddle, CuddleUppets! Blankets that are Puppets!

From the makers of Pillow Pets and ShamZees, comes the fabulous range of CuddleUppets, a soft, snuggly blanket that doubles up as a puppet. We were kindly set a purple monkey and I have to be honest and thought that this would be more suited to Roo (yes I know gender stereotyping). However, as it arrived on a day that Roo was at school with Tigger and I at home he spotted it as soon as I opened the packaging. ‘Mine Mummy?’ he asked… how could I say no to the little fella, so off he went.

Whilst I was in the kitchen washing some dishes he came through asking for a banana, I handed one over and off he went. Upon entering the living room I found him snuggled on the sofa with the purple monkey and his banana.

A small child sitting on a sofa

Of course when Roo came home and wanted to snuggle up with it Tigger was not best pleased (and so the sibling rivarly begins).

Collect them all: Purple Monkey, White Unicorn, Pink Poodle,Yellow Dog,Hot Pink Ladybird,Blue Elephant, Yellow Duck, and Brown Bear

Special Editions: Monsters Inc. SulleyDoc McStuffins Lambie, Winnie The Pooh, Minnie Mouse, Tigger and Angry Birds

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

I really love the idea of these, a snuggly blanket with a friend attached. Although I showed Tigger that the monkey was in fact a puppet he wasn’t interested, he just thought he’d gained a monkey as a friend.

Personally I’m loving the range of different CuddleUppets available, especially the special editions… who wouldn’t want to snuggle up with Sulley from Monsters Inc.?

To find out more information about Snuggle Pets and help with your kids bed time routine head over to for its Snuggle Pets takeover from 11th to 24th November 2013.

Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: We received a Purple Monkey Snuggle Pets Cuddleuppets FOC for the purpose of review.

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