Drumond Park Doh Nutters
Price: RRP £14.99
How to play Doh Nutters:
- Place the playing board on a flat surface (table or floor)
- Scatter the doughnuts across the playing board
- Each player takes a mask in the colour of their choice
- Once everyone has their masks on the youngest player shouts ‘Start!’
- Each player then tries to scoop up their corresponding coloured doughnuts using their trunks (No hands allowed!)
- First to get to three on their trunk wins (if playing with little ones it might be best to only do two doughnuts each)
Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…
As the slogan says ‘It’s Elephantastic!’ Roo and even Tigger have an advantage over both Mr Boo and I as we wear glasses and need to remove them in order to get a good fit on the mask (and as I’m blind as a bat, I can just about see coloured blobs). Tigger is a little young to actually be able to scoop the doughnuts up onto his trunk without using his hands, however we have found a different way to play it with him. We all pop on a mask and he runs around placing the doughnuts on the relevant coloured trunk (great for colour recognition).
Roo has had great fun playing this, finding it very funny to see Mummy and Daddy with their elephant masks on (she doesn’t realise she looks just as funny as we do). I have to confess that getting the third doughnut on your trunk can be a little tricky, I kept dropping my second doughnut!
The Doh Nutters game itself has had a little facelift this year by changing the elephant masks to a sold colour rather than the grey with coloured glasses. I do feel that this has had the game more attractive and appealing.
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