A vase of flowers sitting on top of a wooden table

5 Remodeling Choices That Can Change An Entire Room

December 12, 2017

When people consider room remodeling, it often comes with the image of professionals tearing down walls, demolishing countertops, or throwing out appliances. However, you don’t need to completely overturn a room in order to make a huge change. Here are five different – and relatively small – remodeling choices you can make that will change a room’s entire appearance without breaking the bank.

Remodeling Choices That Can Change An Entire Room

A vase of flowers sitting on top of a wooden table


They say that your eyes are the window to your soul. Well, your windows are the soul of a room. Changing up your windows can provide a total facelift for any room, and there are so many different things about a window that you can change. The glass itself, the window frame, the blinds; all parts of a window can be swapped out, switched around, and played with until you find a combination that suits the room perfectly. Of course, curtains or drapes are the final decorative touch, along with window bars. You can even add accessories like sashes, lights, or other decorations to truly make it a personalized window.


There are a wide variety of lights that you can use to keep a room bright, and each one can bring a different feeling with it. Recessed lighting can be dramatic while having lamps tends to make a room look warm. Some lightbulbs can be without any sort of cover, shining down unfiltered, bright light into a room. Others can have covers that tone down the light, change its color, and make the room a little more dim and homey. There’s also outside lighting to take into consideration. Rooms with big windows that allow for a lot of natural lighting tend to be described as feeling clean or open.

A vase of flowers on a table

Small Furniture And Decor

You don’t need to drop thousands of dollars on a new couch to change up the look of a room. In fact, small furniture changes can often make a statement just as bold as any larger furniture choice. Try switching out your lamps or lampshades, or replace a side table with something new. Try bringing in a footstool for some classic charm. You can even just change up the pillows on a couch or reupholster a chair if you really want a change but don’t want to spend quite as much money as you would on something brand new. You may be surprised by how much of a difference these small changes can make.


If you’re looking to make a visual change and improve the functionality of your home, switching out appliances is a great idea. Replacing all of your appliances can be costly, though. If you just want to update the look, there are appliance spray paints and films you can buy to stick over your fridge, washer, or anything else that will give it a beautiful look emulating stainless steel for a fraction of the cost.


Most people focus on their countertops when planning out a kitchen remodel, but your cabinets can really make or break a look. If you’re looking for a durable and beautiful option for remodeling your cabinets, you’re in luck, too. These days, you can get cabinets in all sorts of materials and colors. You can have sets custom-made to fit your kitchen, or you can build the rest of your remodeling design around the cabinets themselves. In any case, allowing your cabinets to take center stage will open up a whole world of possibilities for the rest of your remodel.

These are just a few of the cost-effective and wow-worthy ideas that can get you started on your remodeling plans. They show that you don’t have to blow your budget in order to get that fantastic end result you’re dreaming of!

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Photo Credit: Alvin Engler
Thomas Vimare

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