Redundancy | Being a Work at Home Mum {Is it still working?}

I’m feeling all melancholy about my redundancy again. As the anniversary flashes up on my Facebook memories timeline. I’m suddenly taken back to opening my final payslip. The sight of my redundancy monies added to my remaining maternity pay. Knowing that it had finally happened after months of uncertainty.

Redundancy | Three years on

Three years after opening that final payslip I’m a fully fledge work at home mum. Fortunate to have been able to make my blog which I started eight years ago into something that enables me to stay at home and work around the children. But is it still working for me? for my family? am I making a difference?

A stack of flyers on a table

Being a work at home mum

Whilst being a work at home mum has its many advantages, especially when it comes to juggling childcare. As despite being some twelve years down the line, childcare is still something that we struggle with. Not having the luxury of family and friends able to offer help and assistance. So it is something that is worked between me and What The Dad Said.

Obviously, being able to pick my own hours is a fantastic perk too. However, given the nature of working in a digital space, it never really sleeps or stops so it can at times feel very consuming. Whilst some of this is my own fault and not having a stricter work/life balance in place. It can be difficult not to check that notification that has pinged through to my phone whilst we are on a family day out or whilst we watching a film at home together. It is, however, something that I am working on.

Back to employment?

Earlier in the year, I had a wobble about whether this was the life for me. Whether my ramblings shared were justifiable as a ‘proper job’. Feeling as though I wasn’t making a difference even in some small way. Thinking that the grass was greener on the other side I opted to apply for a couple of jobs. Looking to return to the NHS, missing the highs and the lows that it offers.

However, it appears that despite my previous fifteen years service, my almost three-year break has hampered any chance of returning. With my CV and experience not even good enough to gain me an interview. Which was soul-destroying. Making me question whether I would ever be able to return to employment.

What does the future hold?

It’s always difficult to answer a question like this, as nobody truly knows what the future holds. I’d love to find a better work/life balance, and with Piglet starting 30 hours at preschool in September I’m hoping that this will enable me to put this plan into action. Switching off notifications on evenings, weekends and days out is also something that I’m looking to do. The drama of Facebook groups and such like is not something that I want to get involved in. I’ve had my fingers burnt more than once this year so I’m stepping back from it all.

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