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Blogging 101 | Tips and Tricks for Rebranding Your Blog

July 13, 2021

There are a few reasons why people opt to rebrand their blog. Sometimes you’ve outgrown that original blog niche or perhaps you desire a new style of writing or topic to venture into. As you start to grow in the blogging business you simply find that there are many reasons for which rebranding makes sense for your blog. If you’re one of those bloggers who looking to rebrand then you’re going to love the tips and tricks for rebranding your blog that I’m sharing today.

Check Domain Names

If you’re going to rebrand your blog into a whole new name then you’re going to want to make sure that the domain name is available for sale. This is one of the most difficult parts of rebranding. Domain names aren’t easy to find available so be sure that you figure out whether or not you can purchase a domain name that suits your rebranding vision.

rebranding your blog

Think About Old Posts

If you’re going to switch to a completely new domain as part of your rebranding process them you will need to hire someone or have technical abilities to transfer the old domain to the new domain. This is a difficult process to do if you don’t have the experience. Even if you’re rebranding, it’s important that the old content has links pointing to the new domain so that you don’t lose as much of your search engine ranking during the process of rebranding.

Talk to Your Followers

Ask your audience what they want to learn more about and how the rebranding will impact them. It’s important that you try to keep as many of your current followers as possible when rebranding so that you don’t have to start completely from scratch to reach people. Ask your followers about the domain name, design options and other details of your rebranding project so that they’re able to provide valuable feedback that will help ensure you keep the blog accessible for your audience.

Pick the Right Niche

At the end of the day, you’ll want to make sure the niche you’re going to rebrand makes sense in the long run of blogging. This means that you’ll want to review how competitive this niche is and what value you can add to it so that you can keep building traffic and making money while blogging on your rebranded blog. You won’t want to rebrand your blog to a highly competitive niche and lose the traffic as that will make your rebranding project a complete waste of effort and time.

Use these tips and tricks for rebranding your blog as a means to make the process of rebranding go smoother and quicker. Since there is a lot of work involved in rebranding your blog, I wanted to make sure that you had a good list of tips and tricks to make the process a bit smoother and easier while you venture into a new blog and niche. 

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