Reasons to be Cheerful #R2BC – 19/01/12

January 19, 2012

A drawing of a faceThis week as been difficult in many ways, we have been rearranging furniture and attempting to sort out all the junk we seemed to have accumulated  (but haven’t managed to make any headway on this one). Tigger has been ill since Friday, off his food and very clingy. Now he is on the mend, Roo looks like she is coming down with something (typical).1. With Mr Boo being on holiday fro work this week we have managed to spend more time as a family and even sneaked in some ‘just the two of us’ time!2. Tigger’s mysterious rash was just viral and not meningitis 3. I won some Zaggora Flares so I’m looking forward to losing some inches (well maybe cm’s but I can hope!)If you fancy sharing your #R2BC or read some more entries check out Mummy From The Heart

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